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Tutorial on how to import multiclass predictions from MIB into QuPath

André Pedersen edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

A tutorial/description of how to predict (multiclass) with DeepMIB on the WSI level (no need for patches) on exported rendered downsampled whole slide images (WSIs) from QuPath, and importing the predictions directly back into QuPath

  • Download and install the latest MIB-version, with support for creating TIFs directly from predictions:

  • Download and install the latest QuPath-version:

  • This is an example from the PANDA dataset, which can be downloaded from here (whole slide images from prostate with corresponding masks with the following annotations (color nr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = "Stroma", "Benign", "Gleason3", "Gleason4", "Gleason5"):

  • In this example we've use a few images from the PANDA Radboud dataset: Screenshot_1672

  • Annotations can be imported by using the same script as we'll use later to import downsampled WSI prediciton tifs from DeepMIB, which can be found in the NoCodeSeg repository (created by @andreped):

  • You will have to add a "Labels_" term before each file name (e. g. by using BulkRenameUtility, see below) or remove that term from a bit further down the script. The image below is slightly inaccurate at FastPathology is set to true, this should be "false", and DeepMIB set to "true": Screenshot_1685

  • Say we've already trained a deep segmentation network in DeepMIB from the PANDA dataset, by exporting tiles from QuPath and training in DeepMIB, as described here in this tutorial:

  • The network was trained from exported patches from the PANDA WSIs with corresponding imported annotations. We've deleted the "Stroma" class (import value 1) annotations and creating a combined "Tumor" class for "Gleason3", "Gleason4", and "Gleason5" with this QuPath script:

replaceClassification('Gleason3', 'Tumor')
replaceClassification('Gleason4', 'Tumor')
replaceClassification('Gleason5', 'Tumor')
  • A lot of the PANDA dataset is incompletely or falsely labelled, so say we want to use the trained deep segmentation netowk to predict a few more WSIs which we've identified as incorrectly labelled, so we later can correct the annotations in QuPath and then add to our training data.

  • First, we'll export a rendered 2x downsampled version of the PANDA WSIs we want to predict in DeepMIB using this script from Pete Bankhead, the creator of QuPath:

 * Script to export a rendered (RGB) image in QuPath v0.2.0.
 * This is much easier if the image is currently open in the viewer,
 * then see
 * The purpose of this script is to support batch processing (Run -> Run for project (without save)),
 * while using the current viewer settings.
 * Note: This was written for v0.2.0 only. The process may change in later versions.
 * @author Pete Bankhead

import qupath.lib.gui.images.servers.RenderedImageServer
import qupath.lib.gui.viewer.overlays.HierarchyOverlay
import qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest

import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*

// It is important to define the downsample!
// This is required to determine annotation line thicknesses
double downsample = 2

// Add the output file path here
String path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Rendered_DS2_WSIs_040522', getProjectEntry().getImageName() + '.jpg')

// Request the current viewer for settings, and current image (which may be used in batch processing)
def viewer = getCurrentViewer()
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()

// Create a rendered server that includes a hierarchy overlay using the current display settings
def server = new RenderedImageServer.Builder(imageData)
    .layers(new HierarchyOverlay(viewer.getImageRegionStore(), viewer.getOverlayOptions(), imageData))

// Write or display the rendered image
if (path != null) {
    mkdirs(new File(path).getParent())
    writeImage(server, path)
} else
    IJTools.convertToImagePlus(server, RegionRequest.createInstance(server)).getImage().show()

  • The 2x downsampled images are stored in a folder in the QuPath project. Remember to move the resultant jpg images into an "Images" folder before proceeding to DeepMIB prediction, as DeepMIB looks for an "Images" folder in the specified prediction folder: Screenshot_1682

  • We'll set this as the prediction folder in DeepMIB and create a "4_Results...." folder which will contain the tif files from the predictions. Screenshot_1675

  • We'll set the output from the prediction to TIF compressed format and also tick the "bigimage mode" (this prevents overloading the GPU when predictiing on larger image files).


  • The resultant tifs can now be found here after pressing "Predict":


  • For this demo I've use jpg converted from the original tiff images in the PANDA dataset to save some disk space. The ".jpg" is included in the filename for some reason after the rendering export from Qupath, so we'll remove ".jpg" from the filename in BulkRenameUtility (


  • We'll also copy the path to the "ResultsModels" folder in our DeepMIB project directory and change the slashes in Notepad first:



  • That's it. You've now predicted WSIs with a multiclass deep segmentation network in DeepMIB from downsampled WSIs exported from QuPath, and imported the multiclass predictions into QuPath, all without patch generation. You're now ready to correct your predictions in QuPath and expand your dataset further through this active learning process.

  • The multiclass supported import script above was created by @andreped

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