- A "Piano Application" is an application created in python with tkinter gui.
- In this application, user will be given a piano board with 23 alternate black and white buttons.
- And for each piano button, we have embedded different sound in it.
- for playing sound corresponding to each piano button, we used playsound library of python.
- Also after playing, there also option to see in what pattern user has played in message by clicking on SEE PATTERN button.
- python 3
- tkinter module
- from tkinter messagebox module
- from PIL import ImageTk, Image
- from playsound import playsound
- User just need to download the file and run the piano_application.py on their local system.
- Now on the main window of the application, the user will be able to see the piano board and a SEE PATTERN button.
- Now user can start playing the piano by clicking on any piano button of his/her choices and feel the music.
- Also after playing, there also option to see in what pattern user has played in message by clicking on SEE PATTERN button.
- Also there is an exit button, clicking on which exit dialog box appears asking for the permission of the user for closing the window.
- This scripts helps us to easily play piano and feel each sound, and can also see the pattern in which played.
- Install tkinter, PIL, playsound
- After that download the code file, and run piano_application.py on local system.
- Then the script will start running and user can explore new music by playing the piano.
- Akash Ramanand Rajak