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The Weighted Tsetlin Machine in C++

This is a C++ implementation of the Weighted Tsetlin Machine.



The following shows a minimal example to fit a Weighted Tsetlin Machine on the dddd dataset .

#include "utils.h"

int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
    int clauses = 500, threshold = 20, epochs = 400;
    double p = .075, gamma = .002;
    std::string const experiment = "dddd";

    fit(experiment, clauses, p, gamma, threshold, epochs);

    return 0;

For the dddd dataset, you should make the files and available in the data/ folder. The .data files consist of samples, each at one line, made up of the binary features followed by an integer label, all separated by white spaces.

The function fit's signature is

fit(experiment, clauses, p, gamma, threshold, epochs, shuffle, write, resume)

where shuffle makes the training samples shuffle at each epoch, write says whether to save the final trained machine to the disk, and resume determines if the machine should be loaded from disk and resumed for training. For saving and loading the machine, there should be a folder results/ present in the working directory.

Also, there is a helper function update, which updates the parameters to fit from command line provided options (see arbitrary machine configuration, for example).

update(argc, argv, clauses, p, threshold, gamma, epochs, shuffle, write, resume)

The options are as follows.

-c clauses: number of clauses
-p probability: feedback probability
-t threshold: threshold
-g gamma: learning rate gamma
-e epochs: number of epochs
-n seed: new random at each run by inputting 0, or otherwise, randoms with the initial seed value of seed
-s ifshuffle: if shuffle the training set at each epoch
-r ifresume: if resume the machine
-w ifwrite: if write the trained machine

Pre-contained Implementations

There are already implementations for MNIST, IMDb, and Connect-4 in the repository.


This is how the datasets for the contained implementations are prepared in the data/ folder.

$ python3
$ python3
$ python3

The data files are also contained in zip format in the data/ folder.


How to Fit a Machine

To make an MNIST fitter, make for MNIST.

$ make mnist
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o mnist -Dmnist implementations.cpp

Thereafter, ./mnist makes a light implementation of MNIST up and running.

$ ./mnist
samples=60K, features=784, classes=10 - clauses=500, p=0.0850, gamma=0.00250, threshold=25
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0007s and 0003s -  93.24%  and  93.43%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0006s and 0003s -  95.16%  and  94.67%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  95.64%  and  95.17%
epoch 387 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s -  99.88%  and  98.12%
epoch 388 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s -  99.92%  and  98.36%
epoch 389 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s -  99.96%  and  98.18%
epoch 398 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s - 100.00%  and  98.09%
epoch 399 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s -  99.96%  and  98.09%
epoch 400 of training and testing - 0003s and 0003s -  99.96%  and  98.13%
total time: 00:53:44

Arbitrary Machine Configuration

For an arbitrary machine configuration, some command line options are provided. Below, we have a Weighted Tsetlin Machine with 4,000 clauses, feedback probability p of .08, learning rate gamma of .01, and threshold of 100 fitted on MNIST for 3 epochs. We wanted to write the resulting machine on disk.

$ ./mnist -c 4000 -p .08 -g .01 -t 100 -e 3 -w 1
samples=60K, features=784, classes=10 - clauses=4000, p=0.0800, gamma=0.01000, threshold=100
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0071s and 0038s -  95.36%  and  95.05%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0051s and 0039s -  96.56%  and  96.08%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0048s and 0039s -  97.48%  and  96.61%
total time: 00:05:25

Now, if we want this saved machine to resume, we pass a true value through the command option r.

$ ./mnist -c 4000 -p .08 -g .01 -t 100 -e 5 -r 1 -w 1
Continuing at epoch 4
samples=60K, features=784, classes=10 - clauses=4000, p=0.0800, gamma=0.01000, threshold=100
epoch 004 of training and testing - 0046s and 0039s -  97.68%  and  96.88%
epoch 005 of training and testing - 0045s and 0039s -  97.84%  and  97.05%
total time: 00:03:39

Fitting a Classic Tsetlin Machine

For having a classic Tsetlin Machine, just set the learning rate gamma to 0.

$ ./mnist -g .0 -e 8
samples=60K, features=784, classes=10 - clauses=500, p=0.0850, gamma=0.00000, threshold=25
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0006s and 0002s -  93.32%  and  93.30%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0006s and 0003s -  94.36%  and  94.66%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  95.84%  and  95.07%
epoch 004 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  95.88%  and  95.45%
epoch 005 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  95.88%  and  95.79%
epoch 006 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  96.80%  and  96.15%
epoch 007 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  96.60%  and  96.00%
epoch 008 of training and testing - 0005s and 0003s -  96.88%  and  96.21%
total time: 00:01:23

Best Tested Hyper-parameters

The best tested MNIST hyper-parameter set is as follows.

clauses = 4000
p = .085
gamma = .012
threshold = 90
epochs = 200

$ ./mnist -c 4000 -p .085 -g .012 -t 90 -e 200
samples=60K, features=784, classes=10 - clauses=4000, p=0.0850, gamma=0.01200, threshold=90
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0072s and 0038s -  94.64%  and  94.67%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0059s and 0038s -  96.96%  and  96.10%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0057s and 0038s -  97.64%  and  96.60%
epoch 182 of training and testing - 0047s and 0040s - 100.00%  and  98.54%
epoch 183 of training and testing - 0047s and 0040s - 100.00%  and  98.63%
epoch 184 of training and testing - 0047s and 0040s - 100.00%  and  98.52%
epoch 199 of training and testing - 0047s and 0040s - 100.00%  and  98.54%
epoch 200 of training and testing - 0047s and 0040s - 100.00%  and  98.51%
total time: 05:30:56

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 98.63%.

Best Tested Classic Tsetlin machine Hyper-parameters

The best tested MNIST hyper-parameter set of a classic Tsetlin machine is as follows.

clauses = 4000
p = .1
threshold = 100
epochs = 200

$ ./mnist -c 4000 -p .1 -g .0 -t 100 -e 200
samples=60K - features=784, clauses=4000, p=0.1000, gamma=0.0000, threshold=100
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0080s and 0041s -  94.76%  and  94.62%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0067s and 0041s -  96.44%  and  95.79%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0064s and 0041s -  97.04%  and  96.20%
epoch 195 of training and testing - 0057s and 0046s -  99.72%  and  98.23%
epoch 196 of training and testing - 0057s and 0046s -  99.68%  and  98.24%
epoch 197 of training and testing - 0058s and 0049s -  99.68%  and  98.23%
epoch 198 of training and testing - 0061s and 0049s -  99.68%  and  98.16%
epoch 199 of training and testing - 0062s and 0049s -  99.68%  and  98.15%
epoch 200 of training and testing - 0061s and 0049s -  99.64%  and  98.16%
total time: 06:36:41

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 98.24%.


How to Fit a Machine

A light implementation of IMDb runs as follows.

$ make imdb
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o imdb -Dimdb implementations.cpp
$ ./imdb
samples=25K, features=5000, classes=2 - clauses=3200, p=0.0120, gamma=0.00060, threshold=12
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0114s and 0036s -  86.35%  and  84.27%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0101s and 0037s -  88.62%  and  86.59%
epoch 018 of training and testing - 0074s and 0038s -  94.05%  and  89.31%
epoch 019 of training and testing - 0076s and 0039s -  93.63%  and  89.16%
epoch 020 of training and testing - 0075s and 0039s -  93.63%  and  88.58%
epoch 032 of training and testing - 0071s and 0039s -  95.06%  and  89.28%
epoch 033 of training and testing - 0071s and 0040s -  95.55%  and  89.25%
epoch 034 of training and testing - 0070s and 0039s -  95.62%  and  89.23%
epoch 035 of training and testing - 0069s and 0039s -  95.52%  and  89.48%
total time: 01:15:15

Best Tested Hyper-parameters

The best tested IMDb hyper-parameter set is as follows.

clauses = 25000
p = .008
gamma = .006
threshold = 60
epochs = 25

$ ./imdb -c 25000 -p .008 -g .006 -t 60 -e 25
samples=25K, features=5000, classes=2 - clauses=25000, p=0.0080, gamma=0.0060, threshold=60
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0724s and 0264s -  89.68%  and  87.22%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0623s and 0272s -  91.79%  and  88.50%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0576s and 0277s -  92.93%  and  89.12%
epoch 020 of training and testing - 0399s and 0286s -  98.29%  and  90.02%
epoch 021 of training and testing - 0397s and 0285s -  98.75%  and  90.37%
epoch 022 of training and testing - 0392s and 0284s -  98.86%  and  90.37%
epoch 024 of training and testing - 0384s and 0283s -  98.99%  and  90.30%
epoch 025 of training and testing - 0380s and 0284s -  99.01%  and  90.19%
total time: 05:46:49

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 90.37%.

Best Tested Classic Tsetlin machine Hyper-parameters

The best tested IMDb hyper-parameter set of a classic Tsetlin machine is as follows.

clauses = 25000
p = .02
threshold = 150
epochs = 25

$ ./imdb -c 25000 -p .02 -g .0 -t 150 -e 25
samples=25K, features=5000, classes=2 - clauses=25000, p=0.0200, gamma=0.0000, threshold=150
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0823s and 0269s -  88.45%  and  87.68%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0709s and 0277s -  90.19%  and  88.60%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0635s and 0280s -  91.26%  and  89.05%
epoch 021 of training and testing - 0473s and 0284s -  95.44%  and  89.86%
epoch 022 of training and testing - 0499s and 0283s -  95.47%  and  89.81%
epoch 023 of training and testing - 0433s and 0280s -  95.74%  and  89.77%
epoch 024 of training and testing - 0424s and 0283s -  95.76%  and  89.73%
epoch 025 of training and testing - 0468s and 0287s -  96.08%  and  89.84%
total time: 06:34:31

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 89.86%.


How to Fit a Machine

An exceptionally light implementation of Connect-4 runs below.

$ make connect4
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o connect4 -Dconnect4 implementations.c++
$ ./connect4
samples=60K, features=84, classes=3 - clauses=200, p=0.0370, gamma=0.00010, threshold=12
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0001s and 0000s -  68.48%  and  69.43%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0001s and 0000s -  70.08%  and  71.44%
epoch 132 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  81.28%  and  80.64%
epoch 133 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  82.11%  and  81.10%
epoch 134 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  81.99%  and  80.34%
epoch 197 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  80.27%  and  80.07%
epoch 198 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  80.21%  and  79.93%
epoch 199 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  81.04%  and  80.22%
epoch 200 of training and testing - 0000s and 0000s -  81.34%  and  80.13%
total time: 00:03:29

Best Tested Hyper-parameters

The best tested Connect-4 hyper-parameter set is as follows.

clauses = 25000
p = .0065
gamma = .0007
threshold = 100
epochs = 1000

$ ./connect4 -c 25000 -p .0065 -g .0007 -t 100 -e 1000
samples=60K, features=84, classes=3 - clauses=25000, p=0.0065, gamma=0.00070, threshold=100
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0121s and 0008s -  70.85%  and  70.69%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0114s and 0007s -  72.33%  and  72.18%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0112s and 0007s -  74.11%  and  73.13%
epoch 939 of training and testing - 0050s and 0007s -  99.94%  and  87.83%
epoch 940 of training and testing - 0051s and 0007s -  99.88%  and  87.73%
epoch 941 of training and testing - 0051s and 0007s -  99.82%  and  87.91%
epoch 999 of training and testing - 0051s and 0007s -  99.41%  and  87.34%
epoch 1000 of training and testing - 0051s and 0007s -  99.64%  and  87.24%
total time: 21:05:14

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 87.91%.

Best Tested Classic Tsetlin machine Hyper-parameters

The best tested Connect-4 hyper-parameter set of a classic Tsetlin machine is as follows.

clauses = 25000
p = .02
threshold = 150
epochs = 25

$ ./connect4 -c 25000 -p .033 -g .0 -t 100 -e 1000
samples=60K, features=84, classes=3 - clauses=25000, p=0.0330, gamma=0.00000, threshold=100
epoch 001 of training and testing - 0124s and 0008s -  73.58%  and  73.52%
epoch 002 of training and testing - 0121s and 0008s -  75.47%  and  74.77%
epoch 003 of training and testing - 0119s and 0007s -  76.36%  and  75.56%
epoch 970 of training and testing - 0082s and 0007s -  85.07%  and  82.62%
epoch 971 of training and testing - 0083s and 0007s -  84.95%  and  82.72%
epoch 972 of training and testing - 0082s and 0007s -  85.43%  and  82.93%
epoch 999 of training and testing - 0084s and 0007s -  85.07%  and  82.55%
epoch 1000 of training and testing - 0083s and 0007s -  85.31%  and  82.64%
total time: 29:20:46

As it is shown, it reaches the peak accuracy of 82.93%.


© 2020 Adrian Phoulady
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
License: MIT


Weighted Tsetlin Machine in C++






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