Inspect and intercept full HTTP requests sent from Android WebViews
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Bash scripts to build SFML for Android
Android-Native-Speed-Test Public
Testing how much faster it is to allocate memory fewer times but iterate twice
C++ UpdatedNov 20, 2022 -
solr Public
Forked from apache/solrApache Solr open-source search software
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 20, 2022 -
QuickPermissions-Kotlin Public
Forked from QuickPermissions/QuickPermissions-KotlinThe most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions in Kotlin
Batch scripts to build SFML for Android
android-target-tooltip Public
Forked from sephiroth74/android-target-tooltipCreate Toast like tooltips, but targets can be specified, plus custom properties and features
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
Computer-Graphics-homeworks Public
The homeworks I made for the computer graphics course at BME.
C++ UpdatedMar 5, 2019 -
Lord-of-the-Seas Public
Simple game written in C++17 using SFML
Killer-Sokoban Public
A Killer Sokoban, a szoftver projekt laboratórium házi feladatának megvalósítása, az UnsupportedJavaHatersException csapat által.
Board-games-SDL-2.0-Cpp Public
An application containing two games: snakes and ladders and nine men's morris, written in C++ and using SDL 2.0 for graphics
Sokoban Public
Sokoban game with level editor written in Java using Swing for graphics
Tablas-jatekok-SDL-2.0-Cpp Public
Malom, valamint kigyok es letrak grafikus felulettel
C++ UpdatedAug 1, 2017