tours Public
This is a React App that's display tour from an api with theirs properties (image, name, price and info). It's the N°2 React project in the collection "Code 15 React Projects by John Smilga" at Fre…
CSS UpdatedSep 11, 2023 -
3d_portfolio Public
Here's my 3D portfolio created with React, ThreeJS and ViteJS using the Javascript Mastery tutorials.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 10, 2023 -
reviews Public
Project N°3 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, useEffect and Conditional Rendering.
CSS UpdatedSep 3, 2023 -
lorem-ipsum Public
Project N°8 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, Conditional Rendering and Forms.
CSS UpdatedSep 3, 2023 -
navbar Public
Project Number 11 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here is a responsive navbar with a toggle menu button made with a dynamic useRef Approach. We have learned React Hooks s…
CSS UpdatedAug 21, 2023 -
slider Public
Project N°7 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, useEffect and Conditional Rendering.
CSS UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
tabs Public
Project N°6 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, useEffect and Conditional Rendering.
CSS UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
accordion Public
Project N°4 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, useEffect and Conditional Rendering.
CSS UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
grocery-bud Public
Project Number 10 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here is a simple form that allows us to enter grocery's items in a list and store tem locally even we refresh the page. …
CSS UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
sidebar-modal Public
Project Number 12 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here is a responsive sidebar with a modal made with a dynamic approach with useContext. We have learned React Hooks such…
CSS UpdatedAug 1, 2023 -
color-shades-generator Public
Project N°9 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, Conditional Rendering and Forms.
CSS UpdatedJul 22, 2023 -
menu Public
Project N°5 of the Code 15 React Projects series made by FreeCodeCamp. Here we have learned React Hooks such as useState, useEffect and Conditional Rendering.
reactjs dynamic-programming callback-functions conditional-rendering local-data dynamic-rendering react-hooksJavaScript UpdatedJul 17, 2023 -
modern_business_app Public
Here's a reactjs modern_business_app created by JavaScript Mastery and built from scratch with vitejs, tailwindcss and created entirely from scratch using a figma design.
portfolio_website Public
Portfolio website is a modern ui/ux website in ReactJS created by JavaScript Mastery and built from scratch and totally responsive.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 6, 2023 -
bootstrap-portfolio Public
This is a little Bootstrap Portfolio made with Bootstrap cards and form for some projects on my GitHub.
HTML UpdatedJun 13, 2023 -
restaurant-website Public
Restaurant-website is a modern ui/ux website in ReactJS created by JavaScript Mastery and build from scratch with a Figma design and totally responsive.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 20, 2023 -
gpt3-xander Public
gpt3-xander is a modern ui/ux website in ReactJS created by JavaScript Mastery and built from scratch with a Figma design totally responsive.
CSS UpdatedMay 5, 2023 -
fightingGame Public
Fighting Game is a javascript game from Project realized in the course entitled The Ultimate JavaScript Course for Beginners of The Clever Programmer path that pits two protagonists against each ot…
JavaScript UpdatedJan 31, 2023 -
Watch It Outside BFF is a show case booking web site build with BootStrap for the outdoors Boston Film Festival (BFF). Fully responsive, the website is automatically first set for mobiles and table…
HTML UpdatedJan 30, 2023 -
netflix-clone Public
Netflix Clone is a clone of the Netflix website made in javascript. Project proposed and realized in the course entitled The Ultimate JavaScript Course for Beginners of The Clever Programmer path. …
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2023 -
weather-app Public
The Weather-App is a javascript web application Project proposed and realized in the course entitled The Ultimate JavaScript Course for Beginners of The Clever Programmer path to get weather data f…
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2023 -
Banks-Class Public
This is a small banking application for calculating deposits and withdrawals. In this application we learn how to use Classes (the Bank class in this case), manipulate the DOM and capture events us…
dom-manipulation template-literals conditions javascript-methods javascript-functions if-else else-ifUpdatedJan 3, 2023 -
rps-game Public
R-P-S Game: This is a review of JavaScript fundamentals in the JavaScript Qazi's course. Here we learned: For loops, Dom Manipulation, Variables, Conditionals (if else if), Template Literals, Event…
JavaScript UpdatedDec 20, 2022 -
super-hero-app Public
This is the Super Hero App from the Ultimate Javascript course of Rafeh Qazi. With this project we learned in details the concepts of APis (promises, asynchronous-programming and json).
JavaScript UpdatedDec 20, 2022 -
tip-calculator Public
This is a JavaScript App from the Clever Programmer path By Qazi that's calculating bill between persons.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 15, 2022 -
sales-page Public
Sales page: HTML simple sales page with paypal link (form).
HTML UpdatedNov 10, 2022