This example demonstrates how to create WordPress blocks that render their content dynamically on the server side. Unlike static blocks, dynamic blocks generate their output at runtime, making them ideal for content that needs to be updated based on the latest data or server-side logic.
Key concepts covered:
- Dynamic block rendering
- Server-side PHP rendering
- Block attribute handling
- WordPress render callback
- Real-time content generation
Example | Description | Tags | Download .zip | Live Demo |
Basic Block with Dynamic Rendering | Demonstrates how to create a block that renders its content dynamically on the server side rather than saving static content in the post content. | dynamic-rendering create-block |
📦 |
Block Registration
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; registerBlockType( 'block-development-examples/dynamic-rendering', { edit: function Edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) { const blockProps = useBlockProps(); return ( <div { ...blockProps }> <p>Editor View: Content will be rendered dynamically</p> </div> ); }, // No save function needed - rendering handled by PHP save: function () { return null; }, } );
PHP Render Callback
Render Callback is defined via a render.php
file as defined on block.json
Block Configuration
{ "apiVersion": 2, "name": "block-development-examples/dynamic-rendering", "title": "Dynamic Rendering Block", "category": "widgets", "icon": "update", "description": "Block with dynamic server-side rendering.", "supports": { "html": false }, "textdomain": "dynamic-rendering", "editorScript": "file:./index.js", "render": "file:./render.php" }
Block Registration Process
function block_dynamic_rendering_64756b___register_block() {
register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build' );
add_action( 'init', 'block_dynamic_rendering_64756b___register_block' );
Note Check the Start Guide for local development with the examples