- LSP & Autocompletion: Powered by
, andLuaSnip
for intelligent code completion and navigation. - Git Integration: With
you have seamless git support directly in Neovim. - Telescope: A fuzzy finder to quickly search for files, buffers, and other resources.
- Harpoon: Quick file navigation to jump between frequently used files.
- Tree-sitter: Provides syntax highlighting and better code understanding with intelligent parsing.
- Cloak: Censor's the contents of .env file
- Telescope: Fuzzy finder for files, buffers, and more.
- lualine: A statusline plugin to display essential information.
- cloak: Hides the environment variables.
- vim-fugitive: Git commands directly in Neovim.
- nvim-lspconfig: Collection of LSP configurations for various languages.
- mason.nvim: Handles installing and managing LSP servers, linters, and formatters.
- nvim-cmp: Autocompletion plugin for Neovim.
- cmp-buffer: Buffer completion source for
. - cmp-path: Path completion source for
. - cmp_luasnip: LuaSnip completion source for
. - LuaSnip: Snippet engine for Neovim.
- nvim-treesitter: Syntax highlighting and better parsing for many languages.
- Harpoon: Easily manage and switch between files.
- Rose-Pine: A soft and elegant color scheme.
- Tokyonight: A night-friendly color scheme.
Install Neovim (if you haven't already) via neovim.io.
Install Lazy.nvim: Follow the installation instructions from the official Lazy.nvim repository: Lazy.nvim Installation
Clone the repository (or add it to your config directory):
Clone your configuration into
(or wherever your Neovim configuration is located).git clone https://github.com/WhoisCipher/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim
Install Plugins: Open Neovim and run:
:Lazy sync
This will automatically install and set up all the plugins.
Set the Color Scheme: If you want to switch color schemes, change it in the configuration file:
:colorscheme rose-pine
You can switch to
by replacingrose-pine
- Telescope: Press
to find files,<leader>ps
to search for words in files, and<C-p>
for git-files. - LSP: Autocompletion and diagnostics should work out of the box when you open a file.
- Git: Use commands like
,:Git commit -m "your commit message"
, etc., for Git operations. - Harpoon:
- Press
to mark. - Press
between files 1-4 marked respectively. - Press
to open GUI for marked files.
- Press
The remaps are all done according to my work-flow under the remaps. Make sure that you change this to your own personal preference as the vim experience has to be all but personalized. Welcome to the vim cult.
Click to expand 📦
- Install Neovim → neovim.io
- Install Lazy.nvim → Lazy.nvim Installation
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/WhoisCipher/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim