Adam Toscher
- https:/x.com/W00Tock
- https://adam-toscher.medium.com/
- Pro
A list of awesome resources for Playdate (https://play.date) game development and the Playdate SDK (https://play.date/dev/)
Freyja is a Golang, Purple Team agent that compiles into Windows, Linux and macOS x64 executables.
Active Directory and Internal Pentest Cheatsheets
Use ESC1 to perform a makeshift DCSync and dump hashes
A multiprotocol credentials bruteforcer / password sprayer and enumerator. 🥷
A PowerShell tool that takes strong inspiration from CrackMapExec / NetExec
Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
Microsoft Entra ID App Audit Solution (AADAppAudit)
🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
Made to be used with Flipper just drag the folder into NFC
A Windows reverse shell payload generator and handler that abuses the http(s) protocol to establish a beacon-like reverse shell.
Your MitM sidekick for relaying attacks featuring DHCPv6 DNS takeover as well as mDNS, LLMNR and NetBIOS-NS spoofing.
Defcon 27 "SDR Against Smart TVs: URL and Channel Injection Attacks" presentation repo
Enumerate Location Services using CoreLocation API on macOS
Memory modification tool for re-signed ipa supports iOS apps running on iPhone and Apple Silicon Mac without jailbreaking.
A tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts and relaying to the certificate service.
Windows Privilege Escalation from User to Domain Admin.
A pentesting tool that dumps the source code from .git even when the directory traversal is disabled
🔎Searches Hash APIs to crack your hash quickly🔎 If hash is not found, automatically pipes into HashCat⚡
Checks running processes, process metadata, Dlls loaded into your current process and the each DLLs metadata, common install directories, installed services and each service binaries metadata, inst…