I am a junior web developer with over 3 years of experience.
I use JavaScript, TypeScript, and specifically the ReactJS library and NextJS framework to build
progressive web applications which support responsive, localization and multi-theme (like dark mode) (📜 Resume)
✨ Practical searching and self-learning are my other abilities
🌱 I'm on track with learning more about Front-End, Design and new stuff.
💬 You can drop me an email at 📧 TohidEq@gmail.com with a subject containing "GitHub: ..."! It will be a pleasure to talk with you!
⚡ In my free time I enjoy working out, watching series and playing chess (♘ My LiChess)
And here is ⚙ My Configs
🗂️ Checkout my Projects
🎨 Web-Front
+ NextJS:
- 🎮🛡️ DOT Game . Like Dota . Coding this FigmaProject . NextJS . Demo
- 🌙✨ Night Trips . Coding this FigmaProject . NextJS . Demo
- 📝 Nextjs Blog . Getting posts from A Github Repo and show them to u :D . NextJS . Demo
- 🎰 Counter app . Counter app . NextJS . Demo (change numbers in url)
- 📚 Wiki Cher . Search into WikiPedia . NextJS . Demo
- 🔐 Sha256 Guess . Sha256 Guessing game . NextJS . Demo
+ React:
- 🎯 AimLab (Finger Gridshot) . Finger mode of AimLab game . React . Demo
- 📝 Blog (Local Storage) . Blog with saving data in localstorage . React . Demo
- ♞ Knight's Tour . Simple Gmae. This is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square exactly once . React . Demo
- 🤡 Joke Maker . Generate Jokes with your name :D . React . Demo
- 👩🏻🍳 Cooking Recipes . With more themes . JSon-server, React
- 🕓 100 Hours Clock . Your days are 100H. Enjoy your new timing . React . Demo
- 🧠 Memory Game . Memory Card Game . React . Demo
- 📝 Blog + JSon server . JSon-server, React
+ More:
- 🌐 Personal Website . Just 4 training coding . Demo
- 🖩 Calculator . Simple Calculator . Demo
📜 JavaScript
- 🧮 Cli Soroban A simple ancient calculator in your terminal🦀 Rust
- 🧩 Tetris Game in terminal- 💣 Minesweeper Game in terminal
- 🐍 Snake Game in terminal
- 🛩️ Riverride Game in terminal
🐍 Python
- 🧩 2048 Game in terminal- 🖼️ Image to ASCII convert images to ASCII art files
- 🗪 Chat With AI in CLI Chat with it whenevere and wherever you want