- use at least 1 thing learned during a course to play Bad Apple!! (Video and/or Sound)
- Python script to print each frames. Because this python can't open files, and you can't create
files, the whole ASCII video had to be in the python file. - Updated version : now runs in real time !
- JavaScript script that change paragraphe text each frame to play Bad Apple, and plays sound.
PHP file : https://github.com/Yug0-o/Projet-WEB/blob/dev/Bad_Apple.php
JavaScript file : https://github.com/Yug0-o/Projet-WEB/blob/dev/assets/JS/Bad_Apple.js
Audio file : https://github.com/Yug0-o/Projet-WEB/blob/dev/assets/BA/Bad%20apple.mp3
This course has barely started, and yet I've already completed it because I was bored
- Implementation of a temporal graph to visualize each frame, represented as a node, with edges representing transitions between consecutive frames.
Python file : https://github.com/TheAypisamFpv/CESI_Bad_Apple/blob/GraphTheory/node%20%26%20graph%20theory/VideoToTemporalGraph.py
- Scripts for converting video frames to CSV (
), training neural networks (trainNeuralNet.py
), and playing predicted outputs (AiVideoPlayer.py
). - Each file demonstrates a different step in the AI pipeline: data preparation, model training, and frame prediction.