- Amsterdam
- teemperor.de
Dirk Laurie
I am a lone egret gleaning what I can find on the shores of the ocean of knowledge.
Louis Dionne
Math and programming enthusiast specialized in generic library design and C++ metaprogramming. Member of the C++ Standards Committee, Boost, and author of Hana.
Apple Quebec, Canada
Martin Storø Nyfløtt
Software engineer, netizen, likes to play around with technology and stuff. Full time Moira main.
Oslo, Norway
Guilherme Amadio
CERN, @cern-eos, @cern-fts, @gentoo, @root-project, @xrootd Geneva, Switzerland
Frederik Hanghøj Iversen
Languages, functional programming, type theory and logic.
Penneo Copenhagen, Denmark
Michał Dominiak
Trans rights are human rights.
Chair of the Polish NB at ISO C++. Member of the CUDA C++ Core Libraries team at Nvidia.
Nvidia Santa Clara, CA