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Christer Codehagen
👋 Hey there, I'm Christer Hagen! 👨‍💻 Full-Stack Dev | Bodø, Norway

Sailsdock Norway

Nabendu nabendu82
Tech Blogger and Tech Youtuber. Author of 8 techinal books.

InfusAi Bhopal

Remy remykarem
Software Engineer

GovTech Singapore

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Create Go App create-go-app
✨ Create a new production-ready project with backend (Golang), frontend (JavaScript, TypeScript) and deploy automation (Ansible, Docker) by running one command!
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Your paywall breakthrough for Medium!
Mahedi Hasan techmahedy
Sr. Software Engineer


Rio Astamal rioastamal
A passionate web developer since 2003.

Surabaya, Indonsia

We are researchers who push up the lower bound of the Indonesian NLP standard. We are collaborating to release new data resources and benchmarks.
Mustafa Zaki Assagaf mustafasegf
Fullstack Mlops


Bearmentor Community bearmentor-community
🐻🗺️ Community projects and lessons in Bearmentor


KodingWorks kodingworks
Open Source, Open Startup, Remote First - Open Source SaaS Builder


Muhamad Surya Iksanudin ad3n
Solution Architect, System Analyst, and Backend Developer

@KejawenLab Jakarta, Indonesia

Hastio Wahyu Utomo hastiowahyuutomo
mahasiswa developer

Student at Sumatera Institute of Technology Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Farhan Yudhi Fatah mubtakir-lazuardi
Guajira Guantanamera 💃

Inovasky Denpasar, Bali

Ahmad Fauzan ozankaze
Back End Developer | Internet Marketer

@qodrorid Indonesia

Addy Osmani addyosmani
Engineering Lead at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform

Google Mountain View, California

Bellshade bellshade
Komunitas untuk mengelola dan menulis kode untuk proyek pendidikan sumber terbuka Indonesia


Muhammad Fatkurozi ibnumardini
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.


Muhammad Iqbal muhiqsimui
~⚡ اَللَّهُمَّ فَقِّهُّ فِي الدِّيْنِ وَعَلِّمْهُ التَّأْوِيْلَ⚡~

Freelance Indonesian

Yovie Alfa Guistuta yoviealfaguistuta

Space Art Foundation Indonesian

Ryian Fatahillah Murad ryianmurad

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Bandar Lampung

"Kamu tidak harus menjadi hebat untuk memulai, tetapi kamu harus memulai untuk menjadi hebat. " ~Les Brown

Mahasiswa Universitas Lampung Bandar Lampung

Resi Respati resir014
web development, gaming, and motorsports, sometimes in that order. professional starter kit creator. 🏳️‍🌈

Pinhome Indonesia

ahmadrosid ahmadrosid

Metro, Lampung - Indonesia

Arie M. Prasetyo arisetyo
To live is to create. And to create is immortality.

Bandung, Indonesia

Rias riasvdv
Developer @spatie

@Spatie Antwerp

Noval Agung Prayogo novalagung
World of Warcraft Loremaster | CTO | FOSS Contributor | Technology, LEGO, and Game enthusiast

CTO @ KangarooHealth Inc. Malang, Indonesia

Go Frendi Gunawan goFrendiAsgard
Mere Mortal Alchemist at @state-alchemists

@state-alchemists Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Eko Kurniawan Khannedy khannedy
Orang Ganteng & Intelek

Jakarta, Indonesia

Vishwas gopinav
Software engineer and educator India

Peter Kambey peterjkambey
Mixed Blood Software Developer

Tekno Bareng Peter Indonesia

Muh Isfhani Ghiath isfaaghyth
Android GDE | Software Engineer 🌱

@bytedance Jakarta, Indonesia