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Robgua edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision

About this plugin

The CoCreation is a collaborative space to guide users to collaborate in the construction of knowledge or data. The space is meant to be used by small groups, where user are invited to participate by the creator of the room. There are two kinds of room: the Cocreation knowledge room, where the group is invited to reflect on Open Data to answer problems and create awareness of data, and a Cocreation data room, where it is possible to cocreate datasets.

Photos in Cocreation Data rooms

In Cocreation Data rooms, users can add photos in dataset in two ways. The first method allows users to open a new page “browse photos” through the menu item “photo” ; in particular the page is divided in two sections: “Room’s photos” and “Explore”. In the “Room’s photos” section, the members of the room can upload photos and add a description if they want, in the album associated to the room. Each photo can be voted and commented and the owner can modify and delete photos. They can get photo’s URL and copy and past it in the right cell of the dataset. In the “Explore” section there are all the photos uploaded in every album. Users can also add these photos in the dataset, using the same procedure. The second method allows users to insert photos in dataset without open the “browse photos” page, by clicking on the cell they choose and then on the “add a new photo” button. A new frame is opened where users can choose many photos, optionally add a description, and display them in preview until they decide which one upload and insert in dataset. The photo’s URL is automatically inserted in the cell selected by the user and the photo uploaded in the room’s album.

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