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An SQLite-based session store for use with express-session, using better-sqlite3, with TypeScript support


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An SQLite-based session store for use with express-session, using better-sqlite3, with TypeScript support.

npm version Last updated Publish on npm License

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import express from "express";
import session from "express-session";
import { SQLiteStore } from "express-sqlite";

const app = express();

// With required arguments only
const store = new SQLiteStore("sessions.db");

// With customized options
const store = new SQLiteStore("sessions.db", {
  tableName: "Sessions",
  databaseOptions: { fileMustExist: false },
  wal: true,

  session({ store, secret: "your-secret-key", cookie: { secure: true } }),

SQLiteStore constructor

class SQLiteStore extends Store {
  constructor(database: StoreDatabase, storeOptions?: StoreOptions) {}
Argument Type Default value Description
database StoreDatabase Required argument The SQLite database to store sessions in. Can be specified as a file path, a Buffer, or a BetterSqlite3.Database instance.
storeOptions StoreOptions { tableName: "Sessions", wal: true } Options for initializing the store.


Property Type Description
databaseOptions Database.Options Options passed to better-sqlite3's Database constructor. Additionally, its fileMustExist property also controls whether the directory structure leading to the database file is created by this library, if it doesn't exist.
tableName string Name of the table to store sessions in.
wal boolean Controls the usage of SQLite's WAL-mode.


Type Definition Description
ErrorOnlyCallback (error?: unknown) => void Callback function with only the error argument. Used for store methods that don't return any data on success (clear, destroy, set).
SessionDataWithId SessionData & { id: string } express-session's SessionData type extended with an id field that holds the session ID. Used for the all method.
StoreDatabase string | Buffer | BetterSqlite3.Database A union type for the values that can be used in the SQLiteStore constructor to specify the database used for storing sessions.

Sessions table structure

Column name Data type Constraints


If the table doesn't exist in the database, it's automatically created.


  • all(callback: (error: unknown, sessions?: SessionDataWithId[]) => void): void

    Retrieves all sessions in the store, including their IDs.

  • destroy(sid: string, callback?: ErrorOnlyCallback): void

    Removes the session with the given ID (sid), if it exists. No error is thrown if there is no such session.

  • clear(callback?: ErrorOnlyCallback): void

    Removes all sessions from the store.

  • length(callback: (error: unknown, length?: number) => void): void

    Returns the number of active sessions (length).

  • get(sid: string, callback: (error: unknown, session?: SessionData | null) => void): void

    Retrieves a session by its ID (sid). session is null if there is no such session in the store.

  • set(sid: string, session: SessionData, callback?: ErrorOnlyCallback): void

    Saves a session with the given ID (sid). If such a session already exists, its data will be overwritten.


If an error occurs in any of the methods, the callback function will only have its error argument defined.