A simple C# REST API client implementation
Huge compatibility, currently supports:
- .Net 8
- .Net 6
- .Net Core 3.1
- .Net Framework 4.5
- .Net Standard 1.1
- .NetCore 1.0+
- .Net Framework 4.5
- Mono 4.6+
- Xamarin.iOS 10.0+
- Xamarin.Android 7.0+
- UWP 8.0+
- Unity 2018.1+
Get from NuGet and start testing
How to GET a resource at https://httpbin.org/anything/42
// Base address is used to reuse the client object
// but also do not have to repeat all the address
var client = new ClientInfo("https://httpbin.org/");
/* GET */
// no params
var get = await client.GetAsync<TestResponse>("anything");
// object builded param
var t = await client.GetAsync<TestResponse>("anything", new { id = "1234", value = 12.34 });
/* POST */
var post = await client.PostAsync<TestResponse>("anything", new { id = "1234", value = 12.34 });
/* And all others */
var putResponse = await client.PutAsync("anything", data);
var patchResponse = await client.PatchAsync("anything", data);
var deleteResponse = await client.DeleteAsync("anything");
// Using with JWT Token:
// Using with BasicAuth
client.SetAuthorizationBasic(user, password);
// Using with other options (manually set)
client.SetAuthorization(headerKey, value);
// For other headers (like x-auth)
client.SetHeader("x-auth", xToken);
JWT parsing:
// Parse JWT
var jwt = JWT.Parse(token);
// Access commom fields
bool valid = jwt.Content.GetExp > DateTime.Now;
// Or parse your custom Model
var customJwt = JWT<YourModel>.Parse(token);
The response object contains the original data, status code, request and response headers
if(patchResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)