PEDSpace is a robust implementation of the open-source DSpace software bundle, designed to store and retrieve digital assets generated during PEDSnet studies. PEDSpace serves as a centralized hub where digital assets are made readily accessible to researchers, clinicians, and stakeholders worldwide.
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*PEDSpace is currently behind the CHOP firewall, meaning that you need a VPN connection to view. We eventually intend on making it publicly available.
Table of Contents
PEDSpace is an open source repository application intended to host and serve PEDSnet-generated data on demand, as well as accept submissions from qualified users.
- Upgrade DSpace to version 8.0
- Adapt and test custom theme for DSpace 8.0
- Configure and initialize entity types and relationships
- Set up email functionality and SMTP server
- Implement deposit forms and workflow system
- Resolve version information display issue
- Implement default "item created" sort for search queries
- Develop process for handling non-character sequences in data
- Make PEDSpace site publicly accessible with proper security measures
- Update user guides and administrative documentation for DSpace 8.0
See the open issues or the project board for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
For technical queries:
- Arta Seyedian (seyediana1@chop.edu)
- Alex Shorrock (shorrocka@chop.edu)
For metadata or deposit-related queries:
- Annabel Pinkney (pinkneya1@chop.edu)
For questions about PEDSnet
- Morgan Botforf (botdorfm@chop.edu)
- DSpace Community - For developing and maintaining the DSpace software platform.
- PEDSnet - For supporting the implementation of PEDSpace and contributing valuable resources.