This code is a straightforward port of made as an exercise to observe the differences between Go and Rust for file/byte manipulations after reading the Rust book. This library reads the SAS7bdat linewise such that files of arbitrary sizes can be processed. There is support for multiple encodings. Corrections to the RLE decompression where added with the help of
Some minimal example code, covering most of the public API:
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use sas::*;
fn main() -> Result<(), SasError> {
let sas_reader = BufReader::new(File::open("/path/to/sas7bdat file").unwrap());
let mut sas = SAS7bdat::new(sas_reader)?;
while sas.read_line()?{
for (idx, el) in sas.col_names.iter().enumerate(){
match &sas.row_vals[idx]{
SasVal::Numeric(x) => println!("{x}"),
SasVal::Text(x) => println!("{x}"),
_ => println!("Probably a date value"),
- Refactor constructor and iterator.
- Testing
- Use of serde like rust-csv?