A bot that shares new OpenSea events for a collection to Discord and Twitter.
Permissionless onchain exploit bounties tied to a circuit breaker
A guide to available tools and projects for analyzing and managing risk within DeFi.
A Fast & Modern Liquidation Bot for Aave/Moola V2
This repo contains a comprehensive list of smart contract auditor tools and techniques that can be utilized by both smart contract auditors and blockchain developers for developing secure smart con…
A comparison of solidity fuzzing tools Foundry, Echidna & Medusa
🦄 UniswapV3 fork that computes swaps off-chain via a zkVM
A one-stop shop for blockchain security researchers looking for educational material and alpha to level-up and get an edge on competition. This is not your standard roadmap, top 10 vulnerabilities,…
A resource for anyone interested in understanding and unlocking the potential of zk-SNARKs, from beginners to experts.
This Repository contains list of Common NFT Attack Vectors. If you find any attack vectors missing, you can create a pull request and be a contributor of the project.
A list of Blockchain Security audit companies, solo auditors and location of public audits.
Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.
Observations and tips checklist for auditing protocols on multiple chains 🧐
These exercises were created for our Advanced Solidity Bootcamp and open sourced. Learn EVM bytecode with the Huff Language.
A quick and easy way to test gas optimizations.
$1 Million USDC vs 1 Wrapped Bitcoin 90-day term bet, inspired by Balaji's tweet
a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations on decentralized finance
Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts
ThirdFi simplifies the DeX smart contract interactions to improve the UX.