My portfolio site built using ReactJS showcasing my skills, recent projects and a little about me.
- Responsive
- Modern Design
- Clean Animations
- Easy to use
✔️ Header ✔️ Work ✔️ About ✔️ Skills ✔️ Contact
From your command line, clone and run react-portfolio-template:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd react-portfolio-template
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
#Start's development server
$ gatsby develop
## Deployment
When you are done with the setup, you should host your website online.
We highly recommend to read through the [Deploying on Github Pages]( docs for React.
#### Deploying to Netlify
You could also host directly with Netlify by linking your own repository.
For more information, read [hosting on Netlify](
## Technologies Used
- [React](
- [Gatsby](