The API for Retailers.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 4.0
- Package version: 1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install via Composer:
composer require minotaurlogistics/bol-retailer-api
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/codegen/SwaggerClient-php swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate \
-i \
-o /codegen \
-l php \
--git-user-id minotaurlogistics --git-repo-id bol-retailer-api \
--invoker-package 'Swagger\BolClient' \
--artifact-version 1.0 \
--api-package 'GeneratedApi'
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api = \Swagger\BolClient\Api\OffersApi::createWithCredentials('key_here', 'secret_here');
$offer = $api->getOffer('offer_id');
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BETAApi | deletePushNotificationSubscription | DELETE /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Delete push notification subscription |
BETAApi | getPushNotificationSubscription | GET /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Get push notification subscription by id |
BETAApi | getPushNotificationSubscriptions | GET /retailer/subscriptions | BETA: Get push notification subscriptions |
BETAApi | getRetailPrice | GET /retailer/pricing/retail-prices/{ean} | BETA: Retrieve retail price information for an EAN. |
BETAApi | getUnpublishedOfferReport | GET /retailer/offers/unpublished/{report-id} | BETA: Retrieve an unpublished offer report by report id |
BETAApi | postPushNotificationSubscription | POST /retailer/subscriptions | BETA: Create push notification subscription |
BETAApi | postTestPushNotification | POST /retailer/subscriptions/test | BETA: Send test push notification for subscriptions |
BETAApi | postUnpublishedOfferReport | POST /retailer/offers/unpublished | BETA: Request an unpublished offer report |
BETAApi | putPushNotificationSubscription | PUT /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Update push notification subscription |
CommissionsApi | getCommission | GET /retailer/commission/{ean} | Get all commissions and reductions by EAN per single EAN |
CommissionsApi | getCommissions | POST /retailer/commission | Get all commissions and reductions by EAN in bulk |
InboundsApi | getDeliveryWindows | GET /retailer/inbounds/delivery-windows | Get delivery windows for new inbound shipments |
InboundsApi | getInbound | GET /retailer/inbounds/{inbound-id} | Get inbound by inbound id |
InboundsApi | getInboundShippingLabel | GET /retailer/inbounds/{inbound-id}/shippinglabel | Get inbound shipping label by inbound id |
InboundsApi | getInboundTransporters | GET /retailer/inbounds/inbound-transporters | Get inbound transporters list |
InboundsApi | getInbounds | GET /retailer/inbounds | Get inbound shipment list |
InboundsApi | getPackingList | GET /retailer/inbounds/{inbound-id}/packinglist | Get packing list by inbound id |
InboundsApi | getProductLabels | POST /retailer/inbounds/productlabels | Get inbound product labels by EAN |
InboundsApi | postInbound | POST /retailer/inbounds | Post inbound shipment |
InsightsApi | getOfferInsights | GET /retailer/insights/offer | Get offer insights |
InsightsApi | getPerformanceIndicator | GET /retailer/insights/performance/indicator | Get performance indicators |
InsightsApi | getSalesForecast | GET /retailer/insights/sales-forecast | Get sales forecast |
InventoryApi | getInventory | GET /retailer/inventory | Get LVB/FBB inventory |
InvoicesApi | getInvoice | GET /retailer/invoices/{invoice-id} | Get an invoice by invoice id |
InvoicesApi | getInvoiceSpecification | GET /retailer/invoices/{invoice-id}/specification | Get an invoice specification by invoice id |
InvoicesApi | getInvoices | GET /retailer/invoices | Get all invoices |
OffersApi | deleteOffer | DELETE /retailer/offers/{offer-id} | Delete offer by id |
OffersApi | getOffer | GET /retailer/offers/{offer-id} | Retrieve an offer by its offer id |
OffersApi | getOfferExport | GET /retailer/offers/export/{report-id} | Retrieve an offer export file by offer export id |
OffersApi | getUnpublishedOfferReport | GET /retailer/offers/unpublished/{report-id} | BETA: Retrieve an unpublished offer report by report id |
OffersApi | postOffer | POST /retailer/offers | Create a new offer |
OffersApi | postOfferExport | POST /retailer/offers/export | Request an offer export file |
OffersApi | postUnpublishedOfferReport | POST /retailer/offers/unpublished | BETA: Request an unpublished offer report |
OffersApi | putOffer | PUT /retailer/offers/{offer-id} | Update an offer |
OffersApi | updateOfferPrice | PUT /retailer/offers/{offer-id}/price | Update price(s) for offer by id |
OffersApi | updateOfferStock | PUT /retailer/offers/{offer-id}/stock | Update stock for offer by id |
OrdersApi | cancelOrderItem | PUT /retailer/orders/cancellation | Cancel an order item by an order item id |
OrdersApi | getOrder | GET /retailer/orders/{order-id} | Get an open order by order id |
OrdersApi | getOrders | GET /retailer/orders | Get open orders |
OrdersApi | shipOrderItem | PUT /retailer/orders/shipment | Ship order item |
PricingApi | getRetailPrice | GET /retailer/pricing/retail-prices/{ean} | BETA: Retrieve retail price information for an EAN. |
ProcessStatusApi | getProcessStatus | GET /retailer/process-status/{process-status-id} | Get the status of an asynchronous process by id |
ProcessStatusApi | getProcessStatusBulk | POST /retailer/process-status | Gets the status of multiple asynchronous processes by an array of process status id's for a retailer |
ProcessStatusApi | getProcessStatusEntityId | GET /retailer/process-status | Gets the status of an asynchronous process by entity id and event type for a retailer |
ProductContentApi | getValidationReport | GET /retailer/content/validation-report/{uploadId} | Get validation report |
ProductContentApi | postProductContent | POST /retailer/content/product | Post product content |
ReturnsApi | createReturn | POST /retailer/returns | Create return |
ReturnsApi | getReturn | GET /retailer/returns/{return-id} | Get a return by return id |
ReturnsApi | getReturns | GET /retailer/returns | Get returns |
ReturnsApi | handleReturn | PUT /retailer/returns/{rma-id} | Handle a return |
ShipmentsApi | getShipment | GET /retailer/shipments/{shipment-id} | Get a shipment by shipment id |
ShipmentsApi | getShipments | GET /retailer/shipments | Get shipment list |
ShippingLabelsApi | getDeliveryOptions | POST /retailer/shipping-labels/delivery-options | Get delivery options for a shippable configuration of a number of order items within an order. |
ShippingLabelsApi | getShippingLabel | GET /retailer/shipping-labels/{shipping-label-id} | Get a shipping label |
ShippingLabelsApi | postShippingLabel | POST /retailer/shipping-labels | Create a shipping label |
SubscriptionsApi | deletePushNotificationSubscription | DELETE /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Delete push notification subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | getPushNotificationSubscription | GET /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Get push notification subscription by id |
SubscriptionsApi | getPushNotificationSubscriptions | GET /retailer/subscriptions | BETA: Get push notification subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | postPushNotificationSubscription | POST /retailer/subscriptions | BETA: Create push notification subscription |
SubscriptionsApi | postTestPushNotification | POST /retailer/subscriptions/test | BETA: Send test push notification for subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | putPushNotificationSubscription | PUT /retailer/subscriptions/{subscription-id} | BETA: Update push notification subscription |
TransportsApi | addTransportInformationByTransportId | PUT /retailer/transports/{transport-id} | Add transport information by transport id |
- AdditionalService
- Attribute
- AttributeValue
- BillingDetails
- BulkCommissionQuery
- BulkCommissionRequest
- BulkCommissionResponse
- BulkProcessStatusRequest
- BundlePrice
- ChangeTransportRequest
- Commission
- Condition
- ContainerForTheOrderItemsThatHaveToBeCancelled_
- Countries
- Country
- CountryCode
- CreateOfferExportRequest
- CreateOfferRequest
- CreateProductContentRequest
- CreateReturnRequest
- CreateSubscriptionRequest
- CreateUnpublishedOfferReportRequest
- CustomerDetails
- DeliveryOption
- DeliveryOptionsRequest
- DeliveryOptionsResponse
- DeliveryWindowsForInboundShipments_
- Details
- Fulfilment
- HandoverDetails
- Inbound
- InboundProductRequest
- InboundRequest
- Inbounds
- Inventory
- InventoryResponse
- LabelPrice
- Link
- ModelReturn
- Norm
- NotPublishableReason
- OfferInsight
- OfferInsights
- Order
- OrderFulfilment
- OrderItem
- OrderItemCancellation
- OrderOffer
- OrderOrderItem
- OrderProduct
- PackageRestrictions
- PerformanceIndicator
- PerformanceIndicators
- Period
- Periods
- PickUpPoint
- Pricing
- Problem
- ProcessStatus
- ProcessStatusId
- ProcessStatusResponse
- Product
- ProductContent
- ProductContentResponse
- ProductLabel
- ProductLabelsRequest
- ReducedInbound
- ReducedOrder
- ReducedOrderItem
- ReducedOrders
- ReducedReturn
- ReducedReturnItem
- ReducedShipment
- ReducedShipmentItem
- ReducedShipmentOrder
- ReducedTransport
- Reduction
- RejectedAttributeResponse
- RejectionError
- RetailPrice
- RetailPriceResponse
- RetailerOffer
- ReturnItem
- ReturnProcessingResult
- ReturnRequest
- ReturnsResponse
- SalesForecastResponse
- Score
- Shipment
- ShipmentDetails
- ShipmentFulfilment
- ShipmentItem
- ShipmentOrder
- ShipmentRequest
- ShipmentResponse
- ShipmentTransport
- ShippingLabelRequest
- StateTransition
- Stock
- StockCreate
- Store
- SubscriptionResponse
- SubscriptionsResponse
- TimeSlot
- Total
- TransportInstruction
- Transporter
- TransportersResponse
- UpdateOfferPriceRequest
- UpdateOfferRequest
- UpdateOfferStockRequest
- UpdateSubscriptionRequest
- ValidationReportResponse
- Violation