Plendify Inc.
- Accra. Ghana
- https://georgearthur.netlify.app
This cutting-edge project aims to leverage artificial intelligence for early disease detection, potentially saving countless lives through improved medical diagnostics.
UpdatedSep 14, 2024 -
adplist-meeting Public
Bundled with love from Nx and Next.js. Meeting app created with dyte.io and authenticated with Auth0.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 28, 2023 -
react-country-dropdown Public
Forked from rocktimsaikia/react-country-dropdownA simple country selection react component
Products-recommender Public
Clustering and classification techniques to analyze customer behavior and recommend products for an e-commerce platform
on-demand-isr Public
Forked from vercel/on-demand-isrTest on-demand isr in nextjs
HULL Public template
Forked from ndimatteo/HULL💀 Headless Shopify Starter – powered by Next.js + Sanity.io
react-date-range Public
Forked from hypeserver/react-date-rangeA React component for choosing dates and date ranges.
headlessui Public
Forked from tailwindlabs/headlessuiCompletely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
next-ecommerce-template Public
A quick nextjs ecommerce template project
React-Js-Todo-App-with-firebase-auth Public
Forked from Rajesh-Royal/React-Js-Todo-App-with-firebase-authTodoApp using ReactJS and Firebase | ReactJS, Material UI, Firebase, ExpressJS
react-big-calendar Public
Forked from jquense/react-big-calendargcal/outlook like calendar component
React-Landing-Page-Template Public
Forked from issaafalkattan/React-Landing-Page-TemplateA simple react one page landing page templates for startups/companies
product-price-manager Public
A react application to manage a list of products and their historical prices
schemas Public
Forked from vercel/schemasAll schemas used for validation that are shared between our projects
ant-design-pro-site Public
Forked from ant-design/ant-design-pro-site