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Oxocard connect examples

Collection of examples with oxocard connect.

MP3 Player built with Mini DF Player Chip

Simple example how to communicate with Mini DF Player with the UART protocol.

Connect to GY-521 Gyroscope sensor with breadboard card

Simple example how to read the data from GY-521 via i2c protocol and how to handle the angle values.

Connect to AHT20 temperature & humidity sensor with breadboard card

Simple example how to read the data from AHT20 via i2c protocol and show results on screen

Connect to BMP280 pressure & temperature sensor with breadboard card

Simple example that shows pressure and temperature on the internal screen. When you check the code, you will see that read the raw data is very easy but to calculate and calibrate the values is hard work. I tried out with an algorithm based on operations with float values and with an algorithm that shifts the bit to left and right up to 33 bits what's inpossible with 32bit long datatype in NanoPy. So I created my own shift-bit-operations working with float values. This algorithm get better results in my opinion - you can try both or find the failure in the floating algorith (let me know)