Self Employed
- Guangzhou
- https://kangbolu.github.io
- Pro
Vancouver-Graffiti-Analysis Public
Forked from UBC-MDS/DSCI_522_Group_34 -
Learn-SQL-Notes Public
π My notes for Learning SQL
Graph-Analysis-with-NetworkX Public
π Network/Graph Analysis with NetworkX in Python. Topics range from network types, statistics, link prediction measures, and community detection.
collinearity Public
Forked from gianlucamalato/collinearityA Python libreary for removing collinearity
software-review Public
Forked from ropensci/software-reviewrOpenSci Software Peer Review.
R UpdatedMar 19, 2021 -
cookiecutter-ubc-mds Public
Forked from py-pkgs/py-pkgs-cookiecutterCookiecutter template for python packages
kangbolu.github.io Public
Forked from andrewbanchich/forty-jekyll-themePersonal site built with Jekyll
SCSS Other UpdatedFeb 14, 2021 -
dsci-532_group_02 Public
Forked from UBC-MDS/foundation-shades-pydash -
dsci-532-group-02-R Public
Forked from UBC-MDS/foundation-shades-rdash -
NYC-WIFI-Hotspot-Dashboard Public
π Python Dashboard built to visualize NYC WIFI Hotspot Data
fb-request-lib Public
π A friendly repository for using Facebook Marketing API to study marketable audiences
equine_numbers_value_canada_rmd Public
Forked from ttimbers/equine_numbers_value_canada_rmd -
π Analysis of Vancouver crimes recorded from 2013 to 2019
plotly.py-docs Public
Forked from NikJoj/plotly.py-docsDocumentation repo for plotly.py v4
Makefile UpdatedOct 19, 2019 -
Natural-Language-Processing Public
π¬ NLP Course Projects: Spell Correction, POS Tagging, PCFG, and Sentiment Analysis
π Analyzing American Fast Food Restaurants Records
UTM-to-Longtitude-Latitude-System Public
Forked from Kevo89/UTM2LatLongπ UTM Coordinates to Latitude/Longitude (WGS84) Coordinates conversion.
squarify Public
Forked from laserson/squarifyPure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm
Python Other UpdatedJul 1, 2019 -
Deprecated-kangbolu.github.io Public
Forked from daattali/beautiful-jekyllDeprecated: My blog posts created with Jekyll
Filling missing data for congressional voting dataset from UCI Machine Learning Repository
π A collection of data visualization examples using Matplotlib
Automation-of-FB-Details Public
Forked from kavishdoshi/Automation-of-FB-DetailsAutomation of getting Token of an APP and AD ID using Selenium
Dash_Tutorial_Series Public
Forked from amyoshino/Dash_Tutorial_SeriesSeries of videos to cover important topics in Plotly Dash framework. Building an interactive app from scratch + cool tips and functionalities.
pySocialWatcher Public
Forked from maraujo/pySocialWatcherSocial Watcher on Facebook Marketing API
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 26, 2019 -
π» Data Structures and Algorithms implemented in C++ and Python
π Apply Deep Learning Concepts to MNIST Dataset with TensorFlow
Python UpdatedAug 2, 2018 -
Spider-Robot Public
π‘ link to the photos of development process