2.5.0 (2023-04-03)
🎉 Features
add logo (98c451b)
- add mobile nav (c316d24)
- add next-sitemap (008d7dc)
- add popular videos rss support (2294310)
- add PWA support 🎉 (3f5b8f5)
- add web page share and compatible with desktop 🎉 (5c25945)
- add Web Share Target API and /share page 🎉 (f2c4775)
- check if inside iframe (928ffb1)
- enabled close notice (43e5504)
- generate popular pages directly (aabc6ce)
- just zip extension and add google file (08382c5)
- setup tauri desktop (30cc54d)
- support chrome extension 🎉 (d3c4c5e)
- support OpenAI apiKey for paid users (28c745b)
- support proxy openai baseUrl (748fba1)
- try to config blog sitemap (5f66824)
- update the https://oai.hconeai.com/v1 (a64d863)
- use the local Inter fonts (871904f)
- use the new menu nav (ad3f697)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- add cursor-pointer for notice (15990f3)
- add i18n for notice (33b124a)
- add loading and close button for iframe (c30ac4c)
- add logo font back (af97811)
- add notice for users (1700785)
- add underline for paid user text (4db4a1e)
- align start for logo text (802320f)
- border styling (1c63154)
- disabled pwa when dev (43283ea)
- expand_url when click summarize (f1dd78e)
- fix the react-hydration-error (6951f94)
- improve loading effect (b4dbc4e)
- increase pwa toast duration (1cf3b14)
- just hidden separator (e54f2bc)
- load PWA deferredPrompt before hover (465f983)
- login padding (771ac7a)
- mobile styling (07fb3f3)
- move vercel redirect config to next.config (d876bba)
- only show summary content (db8c677)
- polished the header styling (28b046d)
- replace the og-image (e17b027)
- replace the popover (3b6f29b)
- save the bibigpt url to notion (86c1fc5)
- set segmentIndex=0 when no subtitle (a1ddd15)
- shortcut text (7e27aad)
- show not support (f6e0bee)
- show slogan when iframe (959fd78)
- small animate for logo (43cfbfa)
- small en copy (9301fe8)
- try to fix the i18n error and update channel url (efa3c4e)
- try to update the image (c7baa30)
- update i18n text (50254f3)
- update i18n text (ff446cd)
- update mock video timestamp (0eb7596)
- update og-image (f03a2b9)
- update rss description (02d465a)
- update supportUrl to paypal (b3e4c7f)
- update tauri config (ccbda83)
- update the feedly title (5cd49af)
- update the name (ce1ceb3)