2.4.0 (2023-03-29)
🎉 Features
- add button for /popular (704bc8e)
- add i18n for components (8ae68a6)
- add loading placeholder (e11133e)
- add popular page (9a32187)
- add popular video by date (28a19fb)
- add save locally (a6171eb)
- introduce prisma to migrate supabase database (af7f901)
- not use mock (68c9bf9)
- polished the English text (8fcb729)
- setup basic i18n (ca95671)
- setup the basic i18n (f2b9293)
- translate for components (768ebf3)
- use next/dynamic to load SummaryResult (4b6228d)
- use supabase cli to replace prisma (d69f339)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- add more count (bf05e6e)
- add subtitleUrl back (4ece01a)
- add summary for popular video (d1628e9)
- disable useEffect twice (ce2db4e)
- dont init enable stream (5c79466)
- downgrade react-simple-icons to reduce chunk size (fada6e8)
- english copy text (0b0967d)
- extract function (bbeed66)
- filter by video_url (dc95b12)
- filter by videoUrl (3a56575)
- header styling (f7ec2f5)
- i18n not load for slug (a47b98b)
- just add var (91cad24)
- just rename (25c54ef)
- lazy load LicenseIntro (d9e4e62)
- limit for subtitle token (89d2d43)
- mindmap view (07fa176)
- missing radix-ui deps (8f89a65)
- no two useTranslation (483425f)
- not include Action in shop (9afd81e)
- not include intro in shop (63b1e34)
- not use props (28f5ec3)
- polished header styling (9c0b91f)
- polished i18n text (f5314e2)
- polished styling (009ea12)
- popular video (655b215)
- prevent error video url (38834ff)
- remove /shop (0ab6197)
- remove duplicated videos (593244b)
- show image placeholder (9c6143c)
- show less count of hottest video (be58a8f)
- show shop page first (d4d9fd6)
- small polish (ec4be47)
- throw openai error (ec9bb54)
- try not show userkey (19b2e53)
- update broken link (d05fc98)
- update input border color (5fc97f2)
- update loading effect (a1d26f0)
- update shop text (34adff0)
- update the correct video array (78bd08c)
- update to use next/link (0cfde33)
- use chinese i18n key (fc27c15)