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Fist Weapon - WoW Guild Website Builder Build Status

This project is designed to create a moderation light World of Warcraft guild website. Information about your guild is loaded from through api calls and news is loaded from your discord channel to create a dynamic site that takes no maintenance! Check out for a preview.

Starting your own guild website

Sign up for Heroku, then click the button below.


Modify the options as specified below:

  • DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID: Ensure development mode is active and obtain your channel id
  • DISCORD_KEY: This key will be the discord bot's token, following the format 'Bot -------------'. Ensure that the bot is registered for permission to the channel referenced above.
  • BNET_API_KEY: API key for Blizzard API. You can apply for a key here.
  • BNET_REGION: region. (us, eu, etc)
  • WOW_REALM: World of Warcraft realm/server name
  • WOW_GUILD: Name of World of Warcraft Guild
  • WOW_CHARACTER_NAME: Name of character to track progression data on. Must be a member of the selected guild. It is usually best to select someone like the guild leader.
  • WOW_RAIDS: Comma seperated list of raids to display progression for. (e.g 'The Emerald Nightmare,Hellfire Citadel,Firelands')
  • REPORT_USERNAME: Username for authentication moderate reports
  • REPORT_PASSWORD: Password for authentication moderate reports
  • COMBAT_LOGS_URL: Static URL to your guild's combat logs (i.e. Warcraft logs, Ask Mr Robot, World of logs etc)

Click Deploy to create you're new guild website.

Development Setup

Make sure you have installed the following plugins:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef

Then you can vagrant up
Once the vagrant box is provisioned vagrant ssh
Navigate to the project directory cd ..\..\vagrant
Retrieve all gems bundle install
Make sure the executables from the gems we just installed (like rails) are available rbenv rehash
Setup database rake db:create && rake db:migrate
Start server rails server -b


Guild website for with calls to WoW API.






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