Trackie is a weight tracking progress app designed to visually represent the weight of the user in their weight gain/loss journey.
The objective of this app is to create a non-trivial app for my Software Development for Mobile Devices unit at university. The app had to implement a list of features using certain technologies available to us within the Android development ecosystem. Some of those requirements were:
- A minimum of 4-5 activities (fewer were acceptible given an application with greater complexity)
- Must make use of ActionBar/Toolbar, Fragments and demonstate a use of both global and contextual navigation in the design
- Must make use of local storage and networking.
- Save and load weight data in both Metric and Imperial
- Display this weight in an interactive graph (Thanks to PhilJay's MPAndroidChart Library)
- Generates statistics based on Gain/Loss streaks and average weight change over the last week
- Calculate BMI based on users' personal data
Unit converter (kg-lbs etc.)Calculates daily calorie allowance to maintain weight based on BMR and activity level- Calculates how long until weight goal achieved given calorie deficit
- All data is shareable across apps
- About page which displays this repo's readme (falls back on most recent local copy)
In the settings menu you will find a button enabling sample data to be entered into the app. This will allow you to test out the app's functionality without spending multiple weeks inputting data each day.
Highlights how data is processed from a persistent text file to Trackie
Navigation map showing how each activity can be accessed anywhere within the app through the side menu
Every class used to create Trackie. Most overridden system methods ignored
- Used to calculate calorie deficits in order to gain weight
- Data stripped into BMIDetailsActivity, equation used in BMIActivity
- PhilJay's MPAndroidChart Library: The graphing library used in GraphFragment