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Astor4Android is an adaptation of the original Astor to work with Android applications.

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Astor4Android is an adaptation of the original Astor to work with Android applications.

Kayque de S. Teixeira -
Celso G Camilo-Junior -


  1. Install Android SDK, JDK 1.8 and Maven.

  2. Set the environment variables ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME.

    export ANDROID_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/Android/Sdk
    export JAVA_HOME=/home/kayquesousa/jdk1.8.0_131

  3. Clone the Astor4Android repository and compile it using Maven:

    git clone
    cd astor4android
    mvn clean compile

Test (Optional)

  1. Run at least one AstorWorker.

  2. Run the script inside the astor4android main directory:



In Astor4Android, you have the following command line arguments:

Argument Description
location Location of the Android project to repair. The project must be clean. You can clean it using the command ./gradlew clean inside the project's directory.
mode Mode of execution. More information in the next tables.
flmode (Optional) Fault localization mode. More information in the next tables.
loadflsave (Optional) File containing the results of a previous fault localization run for the same project listed at the "location" argument. This file is created at the working directory (e.g. astor4android/outputMutation/Astor4AndroidMain-Project) after a fault localization is executed on a project and has the extension ".flsave". If you're gonna use the same project multiple times, it's useful to save this file and use this argument to load it.
flthreshold Minimun suspicious value for a line during fault localization (Number between 0 and 1). If you set a value that is too high, Astor4Android will prompt an option for you to set a new value at runtime.
androidsdk Location of the Android SDK folder. Usually this argument is set to $ANDROID_HOME.
jvm4testexecution Location of the java executable. Usually set to %JAVA_HOME/bin.
javacompliancelevel Compliance level of the Java source code. The recommended value is 8.
stopfirst Determines if the execution should be stopped after the first fix (true of false).
unitfailing Failing JUnit test cases separated by a classpath separator (":" on Linux/Mac, ";" on Windows). A test case is the fully qualified class name of the test followed by a #, followed by the method's name. (e.g. com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleUnitTest#multy)
instrumentationfailing Failing instrumentation test cases separated by a classpath separator (":" on Linux/Mac, ";" on Windows). A test case is the fully qualified class name of the test followed by a #, followed by the method's name. (e.g. com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleInstru#use)
port Port that all AstorWorkers will connect to.

For the argument "mode", there are four options:

Mode Description
statement Executes using JGenProg
statement-remove Executes using JKali
mutation Executes using JMutRepair
custom Executes using a custom engine

For the argument "flmode", there are five options:

Mode Description
ochiai Uses the Ochiai method. (Default)
op2 Uses the Op2 method.
tarantula Uses the Tarantula method.
barinel Uses the Barinel method.
dstar Uses the DStar method with * = 2.

To run Astor4Android, follow these instructions:

  1. Run at least one AstorWorker.

  2. Run this command (replacing <arguments> with the actual arguments):

     		mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astor4android.main.evolution.Astor4AndroidMain -Dexec.args="<arguments>"


     	mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=br.ufg.inf.astor4android.main.evolution.Astor4AndroidMain -Dexec.args="-mode statement -location /home/astor4android/Examples/BugApp2 -androidsdk $ANDROID_HOME -jvm4testexecution $JAVA_HOME/bin  -javacompliancelevel 8 -stopfirst true  -flthreshold 0.9  -unitfailing com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleUnitTest#multy -instrumentationfailing com.example.root.bugapp2.ExampleInstrumentedTest#useAppContext -port 6665"


Astor4Android is an adaptation of the original Astor to work with Android applications.







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