Disney Signature Experiences
- Orlando, Florida
Integration between Moonraker and Home Assistant
Collection of ESPHome Snippets used for projects on Nerdiy.de
esphome-econet is a package for controlling a Rheem water heater or HVAC system with an esp32 or esp8266 micro-computer.
The community.crypto collection for Ansible.
A minimalist and user-friendly design, combined with an mobile first approach for the Home Assistant dashboard.
Home Assistant configuration files.
The Business Media panel is a Grafana plugin that renders PNG, JPG, GIF, MP4, WEBM, MP3, OGG, and PDF files encoded in the base64 format and URL.
This repo contains an Ansible networking inventory report playbook (inventory.yml). This playbook exports hostname, platform, mgmt0 IP address and code version to a HTML file. The jinja2 template u…
A template for creating HTML-based job reports with Ansible
Run Inspec against your target machines in Tower / AWX.
Shortcuts and helpers for WinRM - Windows Remote Management
An example of packaging a Tomcat / MongoDB application in Habitat
LaCrosseITPlusReader from FHEM sourceforge.net. Now on ESP32 LORA (SX1276 is same as RFM96)
DevSec Linux Patch Baseline - InSpec Profile
Oracle12c Database creation/software install on Linux
Using neural networks to build an automatic number plate recognition system
SmartThings support for thee Rheem EcoNet interface
Chef cookbook to install and configure Pulp server
WiFi enabled lamp with individually addressable RGB LEDs
A script that allows to stream RTSP source to Youtube live using FFMPEG.
Software for Arduino plus some hardware to replace proprietary controls in Infrared Sauna
Particle and Amazon Alexa integration