Give Cursor Agent an AI Team and Advanced Skills
Cursor extension that forwards frontend errors and screenshots to composer in one-click, making development seamless for you
Monitor browser logs directly from Cursor and other MCP compatible IDEs.
Community contributed iOS Shortcuts and specs for MacroFactor JSON scripting actions
Your Next SaaS Template or Boilerplate ! A magic trip start with `bun create saasfly` . The more stars, the more surprises
Magic to turn Cursor/Windsurf as 90% of Devin
An AI web browsing framework focused on simplicity and extensibility.
Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
SpotX Mac and Linux adblocker for the Spotify desktop client, in Bash
Enable hot reloading for content script and background script (service worker) in MV3.
Next Generation SSLKillSwitch with much more support!
Oura Custom Component for Home-Assistant. Adds Oura Ring sleep information.
Repository for Oura Ring related Data Science exploration tooling
A collection of scripts and programs to extract dota's game files and build an sqlite dotabase
Feather is a free on-device iOS application manager/installer, using certificates part of the Apple Developer Program.
Automate your browser with GPT-4
A standalone Audible downloader and decrypter
A set of beautifully-designed, accessible components and a code distribution platform. Works with your favorite frameworks. Open Source. Open Code.
A macOS app for customizing which browser to start
In-place tweak injection with insert_dylib and ChOma.
A VS-Code plugin for copying code for pasting into conversational contexts.
UI Library for Design Engineers. Animated components and effects you can copy and paste into your apps. Free. Open Source.
Bluetooth to mqtt gateway for Xiaomi Mi plant sensors
Linux service to collect and transfer Xiaomi Mi Flora plant sensor data via MQTT to your smart home system, with cluster support 🌱🌼🥀🏡🌳