- San Miguel - Buenos Aires - Argentina,
learning-ebpf Public
Forked from lizrice/learning-ebpfLearning eBPF, published by O'Reilly - out now! Here's where you'll find a VM config for the examples, and more
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 29, 2024 -
helmchart Public
Forked from netdata/helmchartHelm chart for kubernetes deployments
Mustache GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 23, 2023 -
kube-state-metrics Public
Forked from kubernetes/kube-state-metricsAdd-on agent to generate and expose cluster-level metrics.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 1, 2023 -
kube-prometheus Public
Forked from prometheus-operator/kube-prometheusUse Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes
Aplicacion java con el agente de prometheus y envoy sidecar-proxy para scrapear metricas de la jvm y envoy/istio en k8s con prometheus-operator
git-sync Public
Forked from kubernetes/git-syncA sidecar app which clones a git repo and keeps it in sync with the upstream.
argocd-example-apps Public
Forked from argoproj/argocd-example-appsExample Apps to Demonstrate Argo CD
tanka Public
Forked from grafana/tankaFlexible, reusable and concise configuration for Kubernetes
concurrency-in-go-src Public
Forked from kat-co/concurrency-in-go-srcFull sourcecode for the book, "Concurrency in Go" published by O'Reilly.
vizceral Public
Forked from Netflix/vizceralWebGL visualization for displaying animated traffic graphs
jaeger-ui Public
Forked from jaegertracing/jaeger-uiWeb UI for Jaeger
documentation Public
Forked from jaegertracing/documentationDocumentation for the Jaeger Distributed Tracing project.
kafka_exporter Public
Forked from danielqsj/kafka_exporterKafka exporter for Prometheus
udemy-docker-mastery Public
Forked from BretFisher/udemy-docker-masteryUdemy Course to build, compose, deploy, and manage containers from local development to high-availability in the cloud