This project is a self project meaning I have been working on this just for me but your allowed to use this however you see fit.
- Summary: This is a Youtube Music Client Wrapper with, a Discord Rich Presence, client connectivity, and (Not implimented yet) VRChat OSC support (to be added soon).
How to setup client syncing
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It's a lot simpler than ever before, load up the player and put in your name. This will be used for communicating with my web server. Once you press the button to insert all keys, the player automatically reloads itself and your done! Everything is automated. If you want to make it easy, send the person ur json file and replace it in ur %home% directory. Done :3
Some stuff I've fixed / need to work on:
- Make everything look neater with a better menu and cleaner look
- Allow the titlebar to be customized through text in textfiles for ultimate customization
- If you've got any ideas, leave them somewhere maybe in issues idk I'll definitely add them
- Try to add releases for Mac and Linux in the future when I get the time
- Make updates, triggers, for faster updating with syncing.
Fix project so when u 'npm install' it doesn't break and say some vc++ errorFix "win-audio" package because it keeps making the builds fail (currently is broken with current build, the "System Volume" is stuck at '78%')Fix Restart and ShutdownUpdate the release dist / exe- Update all the old packages
External Files SetupAdd Releases so you can just get a distribution player instead of a whole package you need to compile yourself every timeAdd SENDING and RECEIVING for when you want to remotely play music through clients (the basics are already in the client just doesn't do anything yet)Add a function to be able to add your own discord activity through a text file for the clientID and also maybe images
Added a feature that allows the client to act a little like spotify in the sense that it disconnects when your song is paused and connects when its playing.. I haven't really tested this fully but it works for now. It's called "Not Playing Disconnect" in the Utils. UNSTABLE CURRENTLY
Allows you to enable and disable discord buttons
(Still kinda janky) -
Has options for "Quitting the application", "Sleeping your PC", "Restarting your PC", and "Shutting down your PC" after the song ends.
Easy customizability and more to come in the future.
If you find that a video doesn't work for the activity on discord, or shows 'undefined', you can open the Utils menu and click on buttons and turn the buttons off. If that doesn't work you can click on buttons once again and click on the 'toggle channel'. (toggling channel just makes the element which gets the artist, change). These methods should fix any video problems you may have with the activity. Remember, when watching a video or a song without an album accompanying it or the artist doesn't have a clickable link to their page, you can toggle all buttons off. This disables the elements which get the buttons and usually fixes things. Sometimes when playing videos though the artist does have a clickable link and in that case just toggle the artist. Simple!
Continuous updates (Its not daily but its also not monthly)
Your able to Send and receive song data between clients! (mostly synced listening, updates soon)
100% safe and free! No extras are added that weren't made for the client
Uses little Resources (Less than 11% of cpu) (recommended use on localdisk C:// because read/write)
No self promotion anywhere (I like to let the consumer use the product however they please, ad-free!)