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lswad - a WAD directory lister

Written in 2016 by Eliah Kagan <>. Documentation added in 2019 and updated in 2021.

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see

Doom, and other games that used the classic id tech 1 engine, store most of their game data in WAD files (“Where’s All the Data?”). Each WAD contains a data structure known as a directory that identifies the locations of each entry in the WAD file.

lswad lists the contents of that directory, showing each lump’s name, byte offset in the file, and length. This utility does not dump, view, or validate data stored within a lump; it’s just a WAD directory lister.

This is lswad version 1, which runs in LINQPad 5 or later. LINQPad can be obtained at Open lswad.linq in LINQPad and click ▶ (or press F5) to run it.

I’d like to acknowledge Joe Pantuso, whose excellent 1995 book The Doom Game Editor got my friends and me into making maps for Doom. I used chapter 2 of that book (“Master WAD and PWAD Structure”) as a reference while writing lswad.

NOTE: This project is not related to xwadtools by Udo Munk, which also contains a program called lswad, a command-line utility written in C. (I wasn’t aware of xwadtools when I wrote the graphical C#/LINQPad app lswad.) Those tools are pretty cool, though—you should check them out!


a WAD directory lister







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