Sample scripts that can be used as a starting point if you're building any other scripts using the DivvyCloud API. Currently there are Python and Bash examples.
Script to programmatically add an exemption to a resource and clear any pending bot actions that the resource would have ran on it without exemption. Currently made to work with Slack.
- Issue comes up
- Bot sends slack notification immediately and schedules another action to happen in an hour
- The information required to run the script comes through in the slack message
- Run the script and it adds an exemption via resource group and clears the pending action
Example of how to create a data collection via API. This creates a collection of AMIs.
Creates a custom best practices pack with pre-canned insights and some custom ones too
Script to find all resources in an AWS account that DivvyCloud bills for. Currently runs off of the default AWS profile.
Creates a bot for every insight in a pack and sets each bot up for slack notifications
Creates a bot for every insight in a pack and sets each bot up for splunk notifications
Script to list all accounts linked to DivvyCloud
Sample Output:
[Alex-MBP scripts]$python
Name | Account_ID | Cloud_Type | Resource_Count | Creation_Time
AWS Sales Account | 014578312761 | AWS | 1157 | 2016-03-29 16:31:48
DivvyCloud QA RO | 050283019178 | AWS | 3692 | 2016-03-30 17:09:27
Acme Corp Development | 212860832355 | AWS | 448 | 2016-04-05 14:52:24
Script to list all DNS records seen in DivvyCloud and then output to a CSV.
Sample output:
domain account_name account_id cloud is_private record_name record_type record_data AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE SOA 1 7200 900 1209600 86400 AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS AWS Sales Account 14578312421 AWS FALSE NS
Script to list all pre-canned insights by cloud.
Sample output:
Cloud Account Without Global API Accounting Config
Instance Has Ephemeral Public IP
Database Instance Retention Policy Too Low
Load Balancer Cross Zone Balancing Disabled
Load Balancer Connection Draining Disabled
Boilerplate script - barebones needed for auth and a single sample function. This list the current orgs in an account
Script to onboard multiple AWS accounts via cross account role¨
Sample onboard_output¨
[Alex-MBP scripts]$python ¨
Onboarding AWS accounts into DivvyCloud¨
Account Name: POCs| Status: Success | Account Number: 625820357955¨
Account Name: test| Status: Error | Account Number: 625820357958¨
Sample AWS account onboarding via API key and secret
Checks if a resource has showed up / been detected in DivvyCloud. If it has, check to see if there are any compliance violations on it.
Script to list all permissions a user has via groups and roles
DivvyCloud install script for the test-drive installation. See for the latest official version