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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium

Cesium 1.18

01 Aug 15:13
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1.18 - 2016-02-01

Highlights include:

  • Reduced the amount of CPU memory used by terrain by ~25% in Chrome.
  • Added a Sandcastle example to "star burst" overlapping billboards and labels.
  • Added VRButton which is a simple, single-button widget that toggles VR mode. It is off by default. To enable the button, set the vrButton option to Viewer to true. Only Cardboard for mobile is supported. More VR devices will be supported when the WebVR API is more stable.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.17

01 Aug 15:12
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1.17 - 2016-01-04

Highlights include:

  • Reduced the amount of GPU and CPU memory used by terrain by using compression. The CPU memory was reduced by up to 40%.
  • Added the ability to manipulate Model node transformations via CZML and the Entity API. See the new Sandcastle example: CZML Model - Node Transformations. #3316
  • Added Globe.tileLoadProgressEvent, which is raised when the length of the tile load queue changes, enabling incremental loading indicators.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.16

01 Aug 15:11
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1.16 - 2015-12-01

Highlights include:

  • Improved terrain performance by up to 35%. Added support for fog near the horizon, which improves performance by rendering less terrain tiles and reduces terrain tile requests. This is enabled by default. See Scene.fog for options. #3154
  • Added terrain exaggeration. Enabled on viewer creation with the exaggeration scalar as the terrainExaggeration option.
  • Added support for incrementally loading textures after a Model is ready. This allows the Model to be visible as soon as possible while its textures are loaded in the background.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.15

01 Aug 15:11
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1.15 - 2015-11-02

Highlights include:

  • Added support for the glTF 1.0 draft specification.
  • Added support for the glTF extensions KHR_binary_glTF and KHR_materials_common.
  • Decreased GPU memory usage in BillboardCollection and LabelCollection by using WebGL instancing.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.14

01 Aug 15:10
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1.14 - 2015-10-01

Highlights include:

  • Fixed issues causing the terrain and sky to disappear when the camera is near the surface. #2415 and #2271
  • Changed the ScreenSpaceCameraController.minimumZoomDistance default from 20.0 to 1.0.
  • Added Billboard.sizeInMeters. true sets the billboard size to be measured in meters; otherwise, the size of the billboard is measured in pixels. Also added support for billboard sizeInMeters to entities and CZML.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.13

01 Aug 15:09
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1.13 - 2015-09-01

Highlights include:

  • Added support for GroundPrimitive which works much like Primitive but drapes geometry over terrain. #2865
  • Added Scene.groundPrimitives, which is a primitive collection like Scene.primitives, but for GroundPrimitive instances. It allows custom z-ordering. #2960

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.12

01 Aug 15:07
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1.12 - 2015-08-03

Highlights include:

  • Added MapboxImageryProvider to load imagery from Mapbox.
  • Added maximumHeight option to Viewer.flyTo. #2868
  • Added picking support to UrlTemplateImageryProvider.
  • Added ArcGIS token-based authentication support to ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.11

01 Aug 15:06
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1.11 - 2015-07-01

Highlights include:

  • Improved camera flights. #2825
  • The camera now zooms to the point under the mouse cursor.
  • Added a new camera mode for horizon views. When the camera is looking at the horizon and a point on terrain above the camera is picked, the camera moves in the plane containing the camera position, up and right vectors.
  • Improved terrain and imagery performance and reduced tile loading by up to 50%, depending on the camera view, by using the new OrientedBoundingBox for view frustum culling. See Terrain Culling with Oriented Bounding Boxes.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.10

01 Aug 15:05
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1.10 - 2015-06-01

Highlights include:

  • Added view query parameter to the CesiumViewer app, which sets the initial camera position using longitude, latitude, height, heading, pitch and roll. For example:,40.0,300.0,9.0,-13.0,3.0
  • Added Billboard.heightReference and Label.heightReference to clamp billboards and labels to terrain.
  • Added support for the CESIUM_binary_glTF extension for loading binary blobs of glTF to Model. See Faster 3D Models with Binary glTF.
  • Added support for the CESIUM_RTC glTF extension for high-precision rendering to Model.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.9

01 Aug 15:05
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1.9 - 2015-05-01

Highlights include:

  • Entity material properties and Material uniform values can now take a canvas element in addition to an image or url. #2667
  • Fixed a bug which caused Entity.viewFrom to be ignored when flying to, zooming to, or tracking an Entity. #2628
  • Fixed a bug that caused Corridor and PolylineVolume geometry to be incorrect for sharp corners #2626

See the change log for a full list of changes