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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium

Cesium 1.38

02 Oct 21:05
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1.38 - 2017-10-02

Highlights include:

  • Added support in CZML for expressing orientation as the velocity vector of an entity, using velocityReference syntax. #5807
  • Fixed issue in Internet Explorer and Edge with loading unicode strings in typed arrays that impacted 3D Tiles Batch Table values.
  • Zoom now maintains camera heading, pitch, and roll. #4639
  • Fixed a tileset traversal bug when the skipLevelOfDetail optimization is off. #5869

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.37

01 Sep 20:21
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1.37 - 2017-09-01

Highlights include:

  • Added classificationType to ClassificationPrimitive and GroundPrimitive to choose whether terrain, 3D Tiles, or both are classified. #5770
  • Fixed depth picking on 3D Tiles. #5676
  • Fixed a 3D Tiles traversal bug where out-of-view children were being loaded unnecessarily. #5477

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.36

01 Aug 13:39
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1.36 - 2017-08-01

Highlights include:

  • Added glTF 2.0 support, including physically-based material rendering, morph targets, and appropriate updating of glTF 1.0 models to 2.0. #5641
  • Added ClassificationPrimitive which defines a volume and draws the intersection of the volume and terrain or 3D Tiles. #5625
  • Added tileLoad event to Cesium3DTileset. #5628
  • Fixed issue where scene would blink when labels were added. #5537

See the change log for full list of changes

Cesium 1.35

01 Aug 14:15
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1.35 - 2017-07-05

  • Added support for 3D Tiles for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets (#5308). See the new Sandcastle examples.
  • Added a particle system for effects like smoke, fire, sparks, etc. See ParticleSystem, Particle, ParticleBurst, BoxEmitter, CircleEmitter, ConeEmitter, ParticleEmitter, and SphereEmitter, and the new Sandcastle examples: Particle System and Particle System Fireworks. #5212
  • Added options.clock, options.times and options.dimensions to WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider in order to handle time dynamic and static values for dimensions.

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.34

01 Aug 15:29
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1.34 - 2017-06-01

Highlights include:

  • Fix issue where polylines in a PolylineCollection would ignore the far distance when updating the distance display condition. #5283
  • Fixed a crash when calling Camera.pickEllipsoid with a canvas of size 0.
  • Fix BoundingSphere.fromOrientedBoundingBox. #5334
  • Fixed bug where polylines would not update when PolylineCollection model matrix was updated. #5327

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.33

01 Aug 15:27
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1.33 - 2017-05-01

Highlights include:

  • Added GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider and GoogleEarthEnterpriseImageryProvider to read data from Google Earth Enterprise servers. #5189.
  • Support for dashed polylines #5159.
  • Added disableDepthTestDistance to billboards, points and labels. This sets the distance to the camera where the depth test will be disabled. Setting it to zero (the default) will always enable the depth test. Setting it to Number.POSITVE_INFINITY will never enabled the depth test. Also added scene.minimumDisableDepthTestDistance to change the default value from zero. #5166

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.32

01 Aug 15:26
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1.32 - 2017-04-03

Highlights include:

  • Added support for an orthographic projection in 3D and Columbus view.
  • Added support for custom time-varying properties in CZML. #5105.
  • Added new flight parameters to Camera.flyTo and Camera.flyToBoundingSphere: flyOverLongitude, flyOverLongitudeWeight, and pitchAdjustHeight. #5070

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.31

01 Aug 15:25
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1.31 - 2017-03-01

Highlights include:

  • Added compressed texture support. #4758
  • Added support for Scene.pickPosition in Columbus view and 2D. #4990
  • Added support for depth picking translucent primitives when Scene.pickTranslucentDepth is true. #4979

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.30

01 Aug 15:24
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1.30 - 2017-02-01

Highlights include:

  • Added sampleTerrainMostDetailed to sample the height of an array of positions using the best available terrain data at each point. This requires a TerrainProvider with the availability property.
  • Transparent parts of billboards, labels, and points no longer overwrite parts of the scene behind them. #4886
  • Added support for custom geocoder services and autocomplete, see the Sandcastle example. Added GeocoderService, an interface for geocoders, and BingMapsGeocoderService and CartographicGeocoderService implementations. #4723

See the change log for a full list of changes

Cesium 1.29

01 Aug 15:23
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1.29 - 2017-01-02

Highlights include:

  • Added the ability to blend a Model with a color/translucency. Added color, colorBlendMode, and colorBlendAmount properties to Model, ModelGraphics, and CZML. Also added ColorBlendMode enum. #4547
  • Added the ability to render a Model with a silhouette. Added silhouetteColor and silhouetteSize properties to Model, ModelGraphics, and CZML. #4314
  • Added new Label properties showBackground, backgroundColor, and backgroundPadding to the primitive, Entity, and CZML layers.
  • Added support for newlines (\n) in Cesium Labels and CZML. [#2402]
  • Added new enum VerticalOrigin.BASELINE. Previously, VerticalOrigin.BOTTOM would sometimes align to the baseline depending on the contents of a label.

See the change log for a full list of changes