C/C++ code examples of my blog.
Set the selected process as critical or not.
If the process is critical,when exit the process,the system will cause BSOD.
And it can also be used to turn a critical process into normal.
Check the selected process is critical or not.
Look through all the process and find the critical processes.
Use CreateRemoteThread to inject dll,usually used under WinXP.
Use NtCreateThreadEx + LdrLoadDll to inject dll.
You need use release mode to build it.
Use NtCreateThreadEx to free dll.
Use to inject Dll into a process at many times.
Enumerate all processes and get specified file's handle,then choose whether to close it or not.
Support absolute path and relative path.
Support WinXP and later.
- WinXP and Win7,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1c
- Win8 and later,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1e
Enumerate all processes and get specified file's handle,then choose whether to close it or not.
Support absolute path and relative path.
Support Win7 and later.
- WinXP and Win7,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1c
- Win8 and later,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1e
Get Eventlog Service PID and search evt file's Handle.
Use NtQuerySystemInformation to query SystemExtendedHandleInformation.
Support WinXP and later.
- WinXP and Win7,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1c
- Win8 and later,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1e
Get Eventlog Service PID and search evtx file's Handle.
Use NtQuerySystemInformation to query SystemHandleInformation.
Support Win7 and later.
- WinXP and Win7,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1c
- Win8 and later,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1e
Look through all the process and detect whether the process runs as admin.
Gets the command line of the selected process.
Masquerade current process' PEB into exploer.exe and use IFileOperation to copy file.
You can use this to copy file into "C:\windows\System32" with normal user permissions.
Use to disable Windows Firewall with normal user permissions.
Expand on IFileOperation of UAC bypass.
Create 2 file mapping object.
Use to share data between multiple processes.
Open the 2 file mapping object.
Use to share data between multiple processes.
Kill the eventlog service's process and replace the eventlog file,then restart the Eventlog Service.
Enable the SeDebugPrivilege of current process and then get the full privileges of current process.
It can also enable other privileges.
Enable the SeImpersonatePrivilege of current process and then create an impersonation token.
Call the CreateProcessWithToken function, passing the current process token to get a process.
Using with RottenPotato,we will have full privilege on the system.
Enable the SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege of current process and then call the CreateProcessAsUser function, passing the current process token to get a process.
Using with RottenPotato,we will have full privilege on the system.
Enable the SeBackupPrivilege of current process and then we can call LsaLogonUser with SeTcbPrivilege and add arbitrary groups to the resulting token returned by this call.
We will add the group SID “S-1-5-18” to the token, this is the SID for the Local System account and if we are using a token that possesses it, we will have full privilege on the system.
It will create a reg key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\testtcb.
We will have full privilege on the system.
Enable the SeBackupPrivilege of current process and then read the password hashes of local Administrator accounts from the registry.
The file will be saved as C:\\test\\SAM
and C:\\test\\SYSTEM
We will have read access on the system.
Enable the SeRestorePrivilege of current process and then create a reg key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\testrestore.
We will have write access on the system.
Enable the SeCreateTokenPrivilege of current process and then create primary tokens via the ZwCreateToken API.
After that enable the local administrator group on the token and enable SeDebugPrivilege and SeTcbPrivilege.
We will have all access on the system.
Enable the SeLoadDriverPrivilege of current process and then load the driver into the kernel.
First you need to add two reg keys,the command is:
reg add hkcu\System\CurrentControlSet\CAPCOM /v ImagePath /t REG_SZ /d "\??\C:\test\Capcom.sys"
reg add hkcu\System\CurrentControlSet\CAPCOM /v Type /t REG_DWORD /d 1
Then run me to load the driver(C:\test\Capcom.sys) into the kernel.
We will have all access on the system.
Enable the SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege of current process and then have write access to a registry key "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options". Then we can write it in "Medium" permission.
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" /v takeownership /t REG_SZ /d "C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
We will have write access on the system' registry key.
Enable the SeDebugPrivilege of current process and then we can inject a dll into the process.
We will have full privilege on the system.
Use to scan port.
The timeout is 3 seconds.
python version:
Load the RecentFileCache.bcf in Win7 and print the data.
The RecentFileCache.bcf is replaced by Amcache.hve in Win8.
Load the RecentFileCache.bcf under Win7 and delete the selected data.
The new file will be saved as NewRecentFileCache.bcf.
List logon session information.
The output format is the same as LogonSessions.
Use GetFileTime and SetFileTime to view and modify the file's CreateTime,AccessTime and LastWriteTime.
Note:It doesn't support file's MFTChangeTime.
Support file and folder.
Use NtQueryInformationFile and NtSetInformationFile to view and modify the file's CreateTime,AccessTime,LastWriteTime and MFTChangeTime.
Only support file.
Enumerate the Usn Journal Record in drive C.
Implementing SwampThing with C++
Reference: https://github.com/FuzzySecurity/Sharp-Suite/tree/master/SwampThing
Spoof process command line args (x32/64). Essentially you create a process in a suspended state, rewrite the PEB, resume and finally revert the PEB. The end result is that logging infrastructure will record the fake command line args instead of the real ones.
Send keyboard messages to specified powershell process.
Default command:whoami
You can get the Virtual-Key Codes from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Send keyboard messages to specified powershell process.
Default command:Get-History|export-csv $env:temp"\history.csv"
Use to detect the OS's Version.
It includes Windows Vista/Win 7/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2012/Windows 10.
Use to get plain-text credentials of the 64-bit OS.
This is a simple implementation of Mimikatz's sekurlsa::wdigest
- Win7 x64/Windows Server 2008 x64/Windows Server 2008R2 x64
- Win8 x64/Windows Server 2012 x64/Windows Server 2012R2 x64
- Win10_1507(and before 1903) x64
Source: https://gist.github.com/xpn/12a6907a2fce97296428221b3bd3b394
The following functions have been added:
- EnableDebugPrivilege
- GetOSVersion
- Support different OS
Use to decode URL.
Support multi-byte character sets and Unicode character sets.
Support the following characters:
- %20->blank space
- %22->"
- %27->'
Use to convert line breaks (\n) in text to line breaks (
) in HTML.
Use pipe to execute CMD commands.
Use the HTTP Server API to perform server-side tasks.
This is a POC that implements remote control through the browser.