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Competitive Programming 4 Solutions

My solutions to some of the Kattis problems listed in Competitive Programming 4. Some UVA Online Judge problems are also solved on Virtual Judge.

C++ code usually requires C++17 to work. Python code usually requires Python 3.8 to work.

List of Kattis Questions Solved

Auto Update

Index Question Title Solution
1 10kindsofpeople C++
2 2048 C
3 246greaaat C++
4 2naire Python
5 3dprinter C++
6 4_thought Python
7 99problems Python
8 a1paper C++
9 abc Haskell
10 abinitio C++
11 absurdistan2 Python
12 absurdistan3 C++
13 accessdenied Python
14 acm Python
15 ada Python
16 addemup Haskell
17 addingwords Python
18 adjoin C++
19 administrativeproblems Python
20 ads C++
21 airconditioned C++
22 airlinehub C++
23 airports C++
24 akcija C++
25 alehouse C++
26 alicedigital C++
27 aliennumbers Python
28 aliens C++
29 allaboutthatbase Python
30 alldifferentdirections Python
31 allpairspath C++
32 almostperfect C++
33 almostunionfind C++
34 alphabet C++
35 alphabetspam Python
36 amanda C++
37 amazing C++
38 amoebas C++
39 amsterdamdistance Python
40 amultiplicationgame Python
41 amusicalquestion C++
42 anagramcounting Python
43 andrewant C++
44 anewadventure C++
45 anewalphabet Python
46 animal C++
47 anotherbrick Ocaml
48 anothercandies Python
49 anotherdice C++
50 anthony C++
51 anti11 Python
52 ants C++
53 apaxiaaans Python
54 aplusb C++
55 appallingarchitecture Python
56 apples Haskell
57 applesack C++
58 aqueducts C++
59 arachnophobia C++
61 arbitrage C++, Python
62 arcticnetwork C++
63 areyoulistening Python
64 arithmetic Python
65 armystrengtheasy Python
66 armystrengthhard Python
67 arrivingontime C++
68 artur C++
69 artwork C++
70 asciifigurerotation Python
71 askmarilyn Python
72 aspenavenue C++
73 astro Python
74 atrivialpursuit C++
75 automatictrading C++
76 autori Python
77 averageshard C++
78 avoidingtheapocalypse C++
79 avoidland C++
80 babybites Haskell
81 babylonian Python
82 babynames C++
83 bachetsgame C++
84 backpackbuddies C++
85 backspace Ocaml
86 bagoftiles C++
87 balanceddiet C++
88 ballsandneedles C++
89 baloni C++
90 bank C++
91 base2palindrome Python
92 basicinterpreter Python
93 basketballoneonone Python
94 batmanacci Python
95 batteries Python
96 batterup Python
97 battleship Python
98 battlesimulation Python
99 beanbag C++
100 beatspread Python
101 beautifulprimes Python
102 beavergnaw Python
103 beehives Python
104 beehouseperimeter Python
105 beeproblem C++
106 bela Python
107 bells Python
108 bestbefore Python
109 bestcompression Python
110 bicikli C++
111 biggest C++
112 bigtruck C++
113 bijele Python
115 bilateral C++, C++
116 billiard Python
117 bing C++
118 birds C++
119 birthday C++
120 birthdayboy Python
121 bishops Python
122 bitbybit C++
123 bits C++
124 bitsequalizer Python
125 blackfriday C++
126 blackout Python
127 blockcrusher C++
128 blockgame2 Python
129 bobby Python
130 boggle C++
131 bokforing C++
132 bond C++
133 bookclub C++
134 booking Python
135 bookingaroom Python
136 borg C++
137 bossbattle Python
138 bottles C++
139 boxes C++
140 bread C++
141 breakingbad C++
142 breakingcake C++
143 brexit C++
144 brexitnegotiations C++
145 bribe C++
146 brickwall C++
147 bridgeautomation C++
148 brokenswords Python
149 browniepoints Python
150 bst C++
151 budget C++
152 buggyrobot C++
153 buildingboundaries Python
154 bumped C++
155 bundles C++
156 bungeebuilder C++
157 burrowswheeler C++
158 bus Python
159 busnumbers Python
160 busnumbers_2 C++
161 busplanning C++
162 busticket C++
163 bustour C++
164 buttonbashing C++
165 buzzwords C++
166 cake Python
167 calculatingdartscores C++
168 calculator Python
169 calories Ocaml
170 candlebox Python
171 candydistribution C++
172 candydivision Python
173 canonical C++
174 cantinaofbabel Python
175 cantor Python
176 canvas C++
177 canvasline Python
178 capsules C++
179 cardboardcontainer Python
180 cardhand C++
181 cardmagic C++
182 cardtrading C++
183 cardtrick2 Python
184 carefulascent C++
185 carpet Python
186 carpool C++
187 carrots Python
188 cartrouble C++
189 carvet C++
190 catalansquare Python
191 catandmice C++
192 catenyms C++
193 catering C++
194 cats C++
195 caveexploration C++
197 ceiling C++, Haskell
198 celebritysplit C++
199 centsavings C++
200 ceremony C++
201 cetiri Python
202 chanukah Python
203 character Python
204 charlesincharge C++
205 chartingprogress Haskell
206 checkingbreak C++
207 checkingforcorrectness Python
208 cheeseifyouplease C++
209 chemistsvows C++
210 chess Python
211 chesscompetition C++
212 chesstournament C++
214 chewbacca C++, Python
215 chineseremainder Python
216 chocolates Python
217 chopin Python
218 chopwood C++
219 circuitmath C++
220 circular C++
221 city C++
222 classicalcounting C++
223 classpicture C++
224 classrooms C++
225 classy Python
226 climbingstairs Haskell
227 clinic C++
228 clockconstruction C++
229 clockpictures C++
230 closestpair1 C++
231 closestpair2 C++
232 closestsums C++
233 closingtheloop Haskell
234 coast C++
235 cocktail Python
236 cocoacoalition C++
237 coconut Python
238 cokolada C++
239 cold Haskell
240 collapse C++
241 collidingtraffic Python
242 color C++
243 coloring C++
244 combinationlock Haskell
245 commercials C++
246 committeeassignment C++
247 communication C++
248 communicationssatellite C++
249 companypicnic C++
250 compass Python
251 competitivearcadebasketball Python
252 compoundwords C++
253 compromise Python
254 conformity Python
255 congest C++
256 connectthedots Python
257 conquestcampaign C++
258 consecutivesums C++
259 conservation C++
260 constrainedfreedomofchoice C++
261 contestscheduling Python
262 continuousmedian C++
263 control C++
264 conundrum Python
265 convex C++
266 convexhull C++
267 conveyorbelts C++
268 convoy C++
269 cookieselection C++
270 cool1 C++
271 copsandrobbers C++
272 cordonbleu C++
273 correspondence C++
274 councilling C++
275 countcircuits C++
276 countingstars C++
277 coveredwalkway C++
278 cpu C++
279 crackerbarrel C++
280 crackingrsa C++
281 crackingthecode Python
282 cranes C++
283 creditcard Python
284 crne Python
285 cropeasy C++
286 crosscountry C++
287 crowdcontrol C++
288 crusaders C++
289 cuchitunnels Python
290 cudak C++
291 cudoviste Python
292 cups Haskell
293 cursethedarkness C++
294 curvyblocks Python
295 cuttingbrownies C++
296 cuttingcorners C++
297 daceydice C++
298 dailydivision C++
299 dancerecital C++
300 darkness C++
301 dasblinkenlights Python
302 dasort C++
303 data C++
304 deadend C++
305 deadfraction Python
306 deathstar C++
307 deathtaxes Haskell
308 debellatio C++
309 debugging C++
310 dejavu Python
311 delimitersoup Python
312 delivering C++
313 delivery C++
314 destinationunknown C++
315 detour C++
316 dicebetting C++
317 dicecup Python
318 dicegame Python
319 dickandjane Python
320 dictionaryattack C++
321 different C++
322 differentdistances Python
323 digicomp2 C++
324 digitdivision C++
325 digits Python
326 digitsum C++
327 digitswap Python
328 diplomacy C++
329 dirtydriving Haskell
330 disgruntledjudge C++
331 display Python
332 distinctivecharacter C++
333 divideby100 Python
334 divisible C++
335 divisors C++
336 dobra C++
337 doggopher Python
338 dominoes2 C++
339 dominos C++
340 doodling Python
341 doorman Python
342 downfall C++
343 downtime Python
344 dragonball1 C++
345 dragondropped Python
346 draughts C++
347 dream C++
348 dreamer Python
349 drinkingsong Haskell
350 drinkresponsibly Python
351 driver C++
352 driversdilemma Ocaml
353 drivinglanes C++
354 drivingrange C++
355 drmmessages Python
356 droppingball2 C++
357 droppingdirections C++
358 drunkvigenere Ocaml
359 dunglish Python
360 dutyscheduler C++
361 dvaput C++
362 dvds C++
363 dvoniz C++
364 dyslectionary Python
365 earlywinter Haskell
366 eastereggs C++
367 easyascab C++
368 easyprobability C++
369 eatingeverything C++
371 eatingout Python, Python
372 ecoins C++
373 eenymeeny Python
374 eko C++
375 election Python
376 eligibility Python
377 emergency Python
378 empleh Python
379 emptyingbaltic C++
380 encodedmessage Python
381 enemyterritory C++
382 engaging C++
383 enlarginghashtables C++
384 enteringthetime C++
385 entertainmentbox C++
386 enviousexponents C++
387 equations Python
388 equationsolver C++
389 equilibrium C++
390 equivalences C++
391 erase Haskell
392 errands C++
393 escapeplan C++
394 esej Python
395 espressobucks Python
396 euclideantsp C++
397 euclidsgame Python
398 eulerianpath C++
399 eulersnumber Python
400 europeantrip C++
401 eventplanning Ocaml
402 evilstraw Python
403 exactlyelectrical Ocaml
404 exam Python
405 exchangerates C++
406 exofficio C++
407 expandingrods Python
408 expeditiouscubing C++
409 explosion C++
410 factstone Python
411 fair_division C++
412 fakescoreboard C++
413 faktor Python
414 falling C++
415 falsesecurity Ocaml
416 familydag C++
417 farey C++
418 fastfood Python
419 faultyrobot C++
420 favourable C++
421 fbiuniversal Python
422 fencebowling Python
423 ferryloading3 Ocaml
424 ferryloading4 Ocaml
425 fibonaccicycles C++
426 fibtour C++
427 figurinefigures C++
428 filip Python
429 finalexam C++
430 financialplanning C++
431 findinglines C++
432 findpoly Python
433 fire2 C++
434 firefly C++
435 firestation C++
436 firetrucksarered C++
437 fishmongers C++
438 fizzbuzz Python
439 flagquiz Python
440 fleaonachessboard C++
441 flight C++
442 flipfive C++
443 flippingcards C++
444 flippingpatties Haskell
445 floodingfields C++
446 flowergarden C++
447 flowers C++
448 flowerytrails C++
449 flowfree C++
450 flowshop Python
451 foldedmap C++
452 foldingacube C++
453 font C++
454 foolingaround C++
455 forestforthetrees Python
456 forestfruits C++
457 fraction Python
458 freckles C++
459 freefood Python
460 freeweights C++
461 freighttrain C++
462 friday Python
463 froggie Python
464 froshweek C++
465 froshweek2 C++
466 fruitbaskets C++
467 frustratedqueue C++
468 fulltank C++
469 functionalfun Python
470 fundamentalneighbors C++
471 funhouse C++
472 galactic C++
473 gamenight C++
474 gamerank Python
475 gatheringinyorknew Python
476 gcds C++
477 gcpc C++
478 gearchanging Haskell
479 gears_2 C++
480 generalchineseremainder C++
481 geneticsearch C++
482 genius Python
483 george C++
484 geppetto C++
485 getshorty C++
486 gettingthrough C++
487 glitchbot Python
488 globalwarming C++
489 glyphrecognition C++
490 gmo C++
491 gnollhypothesis Python
492 godzilla C++
493 goingdutch C++
494 goingtoseed C++
495 gold C++
496 goldbach2 C++
497 golfbot C++
498 golombrulers Python
499 goodcoalition C++
500 goodmorning C++
501 grandpabernie Python
502 granica C++
503 grapevine C++
504 grass C++
505 grasshopper C++
506 gravamen C++
507 greatswercporto C++
508 greedilyincreasing Python
509 greetingcards C++
510 grid C++
511 gridgame C++
512 gridmst C++
513 growlinggears Python
514 gruesomecave C++
515 guess Python
516 guessinggame Python
517 guessthedatastructure C++
518 guessthenumbers C++
519 haiku Python
520 hailstone Haskell
521 hangingout Python
522 happyprime Haskell
523 harddrive Python
524 hashing C++
525 hauntedgraveyard C++
526 haybales Python
527 heartrate Ocaml
528 height Python
529 heliocentric C++
531 hello C++, Haskell
532 help Python
533 helpaphd Python
534 heritage Python
535 hidden Python
536 hidingchickens C++
537 hidingplaces C++
538 hillnumbers C++
539 hindex C++
540 hnumbers C++
541 hogwarts_2 C++
542 holeynqueensbatman C++
543 homework C++
544 honey Python
545 honeyheist Python
546 hoppers C++
547 hopscotch_50 C++
548 horror C++
549 horrorfilmnight C++
550 hothike Python
551 houselawn Python
552 houseofcards Python
553 howmanydigits Python
554 htoo Python
555 humancannonball C++
556 hurricanedanger C++
557 hydrasheads C++
558 hypercube Python
559 iboard C++
560 icpcteamselection Python
561 ignore Python
562 iks C++
563 illiteracy C++
564 imageprocessing Python
565 imperfectgps C++
566 importspaghetti C++
567 includesorting Haskell
568 incognito Python
569 increasingsubsequence C++
570 industrialspy C++
571 infinite2darray C++
572 inflagrantedelicto C++
573 inflation C++
574 ingestion Python
575 insert Python
576 installingapps C++
577 integerdivision Python
578 integerlists C++
579 intercept C++
580 interestingintegers C++
581 intergalacticbidding Python
582 intervalcover C++
583 invasion C++
584 inventing C++
585 inversefactorial Python
586 inverteddeck Python
587 irepeatmyself Python
588 ironcoal C++
589 irrationaldivision C++
590 isithalloween Python
591 island C++
592 islands C++
593 islands3 C++
594 itcanbearranged C++
595 ivana C++
596 jabuke2 C++
597 jackpot Python
598 jailbreak C++
599 janitortroubles Python
600 jetpack C++
601 jewelrybox Python
602 jobexpenses Python
603 joggers C++
604 joggingtrails C++
605 johnsstack C++
606 joinstrings Python
607 joylessgame Python
608 judging Haskell
609 judgingmoose Python
610 jugglingpatterns C++
611 jughard Python
612 jumpingmonkey C++
613 jumpingyoshi C++
614 jupiter C++
615 jurassicjigsaw C++
616 juryjeopardy Python
617 justaminute Python
618 justforsidekicks C++
619 justpassingthrough C++
620 kaleidoscopicpalindromes C++
621 karte Python
622 kattissquest C++
623 kemija08 Ocaml
624 keyboard C++
625 keyboardconcert C++
626 keypad Python
627 keytocrypto Ocaml
628 kinarow C++
629 kingdomofants C++
630 kingofthewaves C++
631 kingpinescape C++
632 kitchen C++
633 kletva C++
634 knapsack C++
635 knightjump C++
636 knightsearch C++
637 knightsfen C++
638 knigsoftheforest C++
639 kutevi C++
640 ladice C++
641 landline C++
642 landscaping C++
643 lastfactorialdigit Python
644 lawnmower Haskell
645 learningtocode C++
646 leftbeehind Python
647 lektira Python
648 licensetolaunch Python
650 limbo2 Python, Python
651 lindenmayorsystem Python
652 linearrecurrence C++
653 lineup Python
654 linije C++
655 listgame C++
656 ljutnja C++
657 lockedtreasure Python
658 logland C++
659 logo2 C++
660 longincsubseq C++
661 longswaps Python
662 loopycabdrivers C++
664 loorolls Python, Python
665 loowater C++
666 lostinthewoods C++
667 lostisclosetolose Python
668 lostmap C++
669 low C++
670 loworderzeros Python
671 luckynumber Python
672 mafija C++
673 magic_sequence C++
674 magical3 C++
675 magicallights C++
676 mailbox Python
677 makingpalindromes C++
678 mali C++
679 mallmania C++
680 managingpackaging C++
681 mancala Python
682 manhattanmornings C++
683 mapcolouring C++
684 maptiles2 Python
685 marblestree C++
686 marchofpenguins C++
687 mario C++
688 mastermind C++
689 matchsticks Python
690 mathworksheet Python
691 matrix Python
692 maxflow C++
693 maximizingwinnings C++
694 maximizingyourpay C++
695 maximumrent C++
696 mazemovement C++
697 measurement Ocaml
698 megainversions C++
699 memorymatch Python
700 meowfactor Python
701 messages Python
702 millionairemadness C++
703 mincostmaxflow C++
704 mincut C++
705 minibattleship C++
706 minimumscalar Python
707 minspantree C++
708 missingnumbers Ocaml
709 mixedbasearithmetic Python
710 mjehuric Python
711 mobilization C++
712 modulo Python
713 modulodatastructures C++
714 molekule C++
715 money C++
716 moneymatters C++
717 monk C++
718 moretriangles C++
719 mortgage C++
720 moscowdream Haskell
721 mosquito Haskell
722 mountainbiking Python
723 movie_collection C++
724 mububa C++
725 muddyhike C++
726 multigram Python
727 musicalchairs C++
728 musicalnotation Python
729 musicalscales Ocaml
730 musicyourway Python
731 muzicari C++
732 names Python
733 namethatpermutation Python
734 narrowartgallery C++
735 nastyhacks Haskell
736 natjecanje C++
737 natrij Python
738 naturereserve C++
739 neighborhoodwatch C++
740 nesteddolls C++
741 neutralground C++
742 nikola C++
743 nine C++
744 nineknights C++
745 ninepacks C++
746 nizovi Python
747 nonprimefactors C++
748 npuzzle Python
749 ntnuorienteering C++
750 numberfun Haskell
751 numbersetseasy C++
752 numbersetshard C++
753 oceancurrents C++
754 oddbinom Python
755 oddgnome Python
756 oddities Haskell
757 odds Python
758 officespace C++
759 oktalni Python
760 olderbrother C++
761 onechicken Python
762 ones C++
763 ontrack C++
764 openpitmining C++
765 orchard Python
766 orders C++
767 ornaments Python
768 otherside Python
769 otpor Python
770 outofsorts C++
771 ozljeda C++
772 pachinkoprobability C++
773 pachydermpeanutpacking Python
774 pagelayout C++
775 paintings Python
776 pairingsocks C++
777 palindromesubstring C++
778 pandachess C++
779 parket C++
780 particlecollision Python
781 partygame Python
782 pascal C++
783 passingsecrets C++
784 password Python
785 pathtracing Python
786 pearwise C++
787 peasoup Python
788 pebblesolitaire C++
789 pebblesolitaire_2 C++
790 peggamefortwo C++
791 peragrams Python
792 perfectpowers C++
793 perica C++
794 periodicstrings Python
795 permcode Python
796 permutationdescent Python
797 permutedarithmeticsequence C++
798 persistent Python
799 pervasiveheartmonitor Python
800 phonelist Python
801 physicalmusic Python
802 piano C++
803 pickupsticks C++
804 piglatin Python
805 pikemaneasy C++
806 pikemanhard C++
807 piperotation Haskell
808 pivot C++
809 pizza C++
810 planina Haskell
811 platforme C++
812 playfair Python
813 playground Python
814 plot Python
815 plowking Python
816 pointinpolygon C++
817 pokemongogo C++
818 pokerhand Python
819 polish C++
820 pollygone C++
821 polymul1 C++
822 polymul2 C++
823 poplava Python
824 porpoises C++
825 posterize Python
826 powereggs Python
827 powerstrings C++
828 prerequisites Ocaml
829 presidentialelections C++
830 prettygoodcuberoot Python
831 primalrepresentation C++
832 primaryarithmetic Python
833 primematrix Python
834 primepath Python
835 primereduction C++
836 primes C++
837 primes2 Python
838 primesieve C++
839 princeandprincess C++
840 printingcosts Python
841 pripreme Python
842 program C++
843 programmingteamselection C++
844 programmingtutors C++
845 promotions C++
846 protectingthecollection C++
847 provincesandgold Python
848 prozor C++
849 prsteni Python
850 prva Haskell
851 ptice Haskell
852 pubs C++
853 purplerain C++
854 pyramids Python
855 pyro C++
856 qaly C++
857 qanat C++
858 quadrant Python
859 queens Haskell
860 r2 Python
861 race C++
862 raffle Python
863 ragingriver C++
864 railroad2 Python
865 rainbowroadrace C++
866 rainfall2 C++
867 ratingproblems Haskell
868 ratings C++
869 rationalsequence C++
870 rats Python
871 reachableroads C++
872 reactivity C++
873 recipes Ocaml
874 reconnaissance C++
875 rectangularspiral Python
876 recursionrandfun C++
877 redbluetree C++
878 redsocks Python
879 reducedidnumbers C++
880 remainderreminder C++
881 researchproductivityindex Python
882 reseto C++
883 restaurant C++
884 retribution C++
885 reversebinary Haskell
886 reversingroads C++
887 rhyming Python
888 ricochetrobots C++
889 ridofcoins C++
890 rijeci Python
891 rimski Python
892 rings2 Python
893 risk C++
894 roadtimes C++
895 roberthood C++
896 robotmaze C++
897 robotprotection C++
898 robotsonagrid C++
899 robotturtles C++
900 rockband Python
901 rockclimbing C++
902 rockscissorspaper Rust
903 rollercoasterfun C++
904 roman_holidays Python
905 romans Haskell
906 roompainting C++
907 rootedsubtrees C++
908 roundedbuttons Python
909 runningsteps Python
910 safe C++
911 safepassage C++
912 satisfiability C++
913 savingdaylight Python
914 scenes C++
915 score Ocaml
916 scrollingsign Python
917 secretchamber Python
918 secretsanta Python
919 securitybadge C++
920 selectgroup Python
921 selfsimilarstrings C++
922 sellingspatulas C++
923 sendmoremoney C++
924 sequence Haskell
925 sequences C++
926 set Python
927 seti C++
928 setstack C++
929 settlers2 C++
930 sevenwonders Haskell
931 sgcoin C++
932 sheldon Python
933 shiritori Python
934 shopaholic C++
935 shopping C++
936 shoppingmalls C++
937 shortestpath2 C++
938 shortestpath3 C++
939 shortsell C++
940 shrine C++
941 shuffling Python
943 sidewayssorting Haskell, Python
944 silueta C++
945 sim C++
946 simpleaddition Python
947 simplicity Python
948 simplification C++
949 sjecista Python
950 skener Python
951 skijumping Python
952 skocimis Python
953 slalom2 C++
954 smallestmultiple Python
955 smallschedule C++
956 smartphone Python
957 smil Python
958 snapperhard C++
959 socialadvertising C++
960 sok Ocaml
961 solitaire C++
962 sort Python
963 sorttwonumbers Python
964 sound C++
965 sparklesseven C++
966 speed C++
967 speedlimit Python
968 speedyescape C++
969 spider C++
970 spiderman C++
971 splat Python
972 sprocketscience C++
973 squaredeal C++
974 squarepegs C++
975 squawk C++
976 srednji C++
977 sretan Python
978 stararrangements Haskell
979 starnotatree C++
980 stickysituation Python
981 stockbroker C++
982 stockprices C++
983 stringmatching C++
984 stringmultimatching C++
985 studentsko C++
986 subexpression C++
987 subseqhard C++
988 substringswitcheroo C++
989 subwayplanning C++
990 succession Python
991 sudokunique C++
992 suffixarrayreconstruction C++
993 suffixsorting C++
994 sumandproduct C++
995 sumsets C++
996 supercomputer C++
997 suspensionbridges Python
998 svada C++
999 svemir C++
1000 sylvester C++
1001 symmetricorder Haskell
1002 synchronizinglists C++
1003 t9spelling Python
1004 tajna Python
1005 targetpractice C++
1006 tarifa Python
1007 tautology C++
1008 taxicab C++
1009 taxing C++
1010 teacherevaluation Python
1011 temperature Python
1012 teque C++
1013 terraces C++
1014 test2 C++
1015 tetris Python
1016 texassummers C++
1017 textencryption Python
1018 thanos Haskell
1019 thanosthehero C++
1020 thebackslashproblem Python
1021 thedealoftheday Python
1022 thegrandadventure Haskell
1023 thekingofthenorth C++
1024 thelastproblem C++
1025 thermostat Python
1026 thesaurus C++
1027 thinkingofanumber Python
1028 thisaintyourgrandpascheckerboard Python
1029 threedigits Python
1030 throwns Python
1031 ticketpricing C++
1032 tictactoe2 Python
1033 tight C++
1034 tightlypacked C++
1035 tiles C++
1036 timebomb Python
1037 timeloop Haskell
1038 tiredterry Python
1039 toilet Python
1040 tomography C++
1041 torn2pieces Python
1042 touchscreenkeyboard Python
1043 tourists C++
1044 towering C++
1045 toys C++
1046 tractor C++
1047 traffic Python
1048 trainpassengers Python
1049 trainsorting C++
1050 tram Python
1051 transportation C++
1052 transportationplanning C++
1053 treasure C++
1054 treasurediving C++
1055 treasurehunt Python
1056 treehouses C++
1057 tricktreat C++
1058 trik Python
1059 trip Python
1060 trip2007 Python
1061 tritiling Python
1062 trollhunt Python
1063 tugofwar C++
1064 turtlemaster Python
1065 twostones Haskell
1066 typo C++
1067 ultraquicksort C++
1068 umbraldecoding C++
1069 undetected C++
1070 unicycles C++
1071 uniquedice C++
1072 units C++
1073 unlockpattern2 C++
1074 unusualdarts C++
1075 upsanddownsofinvesting Haskell
1076 urbandesign C++
1077 uxuhulvoting C++
1078 vauvau Python
1079 veci C++
1080 vegetables C++
1081 victorythroughsynergy Python
1082 videospeedup Python
1083 vindiagrams C++
1084 virus C++
1085 volim Haskell
1086 volumeamplification C++
1087 vote Python
1088 vuk C++
1089 waif C++
1090 walkforest C++
1091 walkway C++
1092 walls C++
1093 walrusweights C++
1094 water C++
1095 watersheds C++
1096 weather C++
1097 wedding C++
1098 weightofwords Python
1099 welcomehard C++
1100 wffnproof Python
1101 whatsinit C++
1102 wheels Python
1103 wherehaveyoubin C++
1104 wheretolive C++
1105 whichbase Python
1106 wifi C++
1107 windows Python
1108 wipeyourwhiteboards C++
1109 wizardofodds Python
1110 woodensigns C++
1111 wordcloud Python
1112 wordclouds C++
1113 wordladder2 C++
1114 wordspin C++
1115 workout Python
1116 workstations C++
1117 xentopia C++
1118 xyzzy C++
1119 yinyangstones Haskell
1120 yoda Python
1121 zagrade C++
1122 zanzibar Haskell
1123 zapis Python
1124 zebrasocelots C++
1125 zipfslaw Python
1126 zipfsong Haskell
1127 zipline C++
1128 znanstvenik C++

List of Virtual Judge Questions Solved

Index Question Title Solution
1 Baekjoon-10363 C++
2 Baekjoon-7824 C++
3 HDU-1043 C++
4 LightOJ-1229 C++
5 UVA-10003 C++
6 UVA-10017 C++
7 UVA-10040 C++
8 UVA-10078 C++
9 UVA-10145 C++
10 UVA-10165 C++
11 UVA-10181 C++
12 UVA-10244 C++
13 UVA-10254 Python
14 UVA-10304 C++
15 UVA-10388 C++
16 UVA-10506 C++
17 UVA-10746 C++
18 UVA-10887 C++
19 UVA-10895 C++
20 UVA-11163 C++
21 UVA-11239 C++
22 UVA-11311 C++
23 UVA-11340 C++
24 UVA-11507 C++
25 UVA-11534 C++
26 UVA-11581 C++
27 UVA-120 Python
28 UVA-1203 C++
29 UVA-12049 C++
30 UVA-12150 C++
31 UVA-12157 C++
32 UVA-12696 C++
33 UVA-1304 C++
34 UVA-156 C++
35 UVA-1566 C++
36 UVA-1571 C++
37 UVA-1610 C++
38 UVA-1674 C++
39 UVA-1709 C++
40 UVA-254 Python
41 UVA-255 C++
42 UVA-348 C++
43 UVA-584 C++
44 UVA-588 C++
45 UVA-652 C++
46 UVALive-2577 C++
47 ZOJ-1190 C++

List of Code Forces Questions Solved

Index Question Title Solution
1 CF1848_E_Vika_and_Stone_Skipping C++
2 CF1920_D_Array_Repetition C++
3 CF1923_C_Find_B C++
4 CF1923_D_Slimes C++
5 CF1935_C_Messenger_in_MAC C++
6 CF1937_A_Shuffle_Party Python
7 CF1937_B_Binary_Path C++
8 CF1937_C_Bitwise_Operation_Wizard C++
9 CF1954_A_Painting_the_Ribbon Python
10 CF1954_B_Make_It_Ugly Python
11 CF1954_C_Long_Multiplication Python
12 CF1954_D_Colored_Balls C++
13 CF1954_E_Chain_Reaction C++
14 CF1957_A_Stickogon Python
15 CF1957_B_A_BIT_of_a_Construction Python
16 CF1957_C_How_Does_the_Rook_Move Python
17 CF1957_D_A_BIT_of_an_Inequality C++
18 CF1966_A_Card_Exchange Python
19 CF1966_B_Rectangle_Filling Python
20 CF1966_C_Everything_Nim Python
21 CF1966_D_Missing_Subsequence_Sum Python
22 CF1970_B1_Exact_Neighbours_Easy Python
23 CF1970_C1_Game_on_Tree_Easy Python
24 CF1970_C2_Game_on_Tree_Medium C++
25 CF1970_C3_Game_on_Tree_Hard C++
26 CF1970_E1_Trails_Easy C++
27 CF1970_E2_Trails_Medium C++
28 CF1970_E3_Trails_Hard C++
29 CF1970_G1_Min_Fund_Prison_Easy C++
30 CF1970_G2_Min_Fund_Prison_Medium C++
31 CF1971_F_Circle_Perimeter C++
32 CF1971_G_XOUR C++
33 CF1971_H_±1 C++
34 CF1972_A_Contest_Proposal Python
35 CF1972_B_Coin_Games Python
36 CF1972_C_Permutation_Counting C++
37 CF1972_D1_Reverse_Card_Easy_Version C++
38 CF1973_A_Chess_For_Three Python
39 CF1973_B_Cat_Fox_and_the_Lonely_Array C++
40 CF1973_C_Cat_Fox_and_Double_Maximum Python
41 CF1974_C_Beautiful_Triple_Pairs C++
42 CF1974_D_Ingenuity_2 Python
43 CF1988_A_Split_the_Multiset Python
44 CF1988_B_Make_Majority Python
45 CF1988_C_Increasing_Sequence_with_Fixed_OR C++
46 CF1988_D_The_Omnipotent_Monster_Killer C++
47 CF1988_E_Range_Minimum_Sum C++
48 CF1989_A_Catch_the_Coin Python
49 CF1989_B_Substring_and_Subsequence Python
50 CF1989_C_Two_Movies Python
51 CF1989_D_Smithing_Skill C++
52 CF1990_A_Submission_Bait Python
53 CF1990_B_Array_Craft Python
54 CF1990_C_Mad_MAD_Sum Python
55 CF1990_D_Grid_Puzzle Python
56 CF1993_A_Question_Marks Python
57 CF1993_B_Parity_and_Sum Python
58 CF1993_C_Light_Switches C++
59 CF1993_D_Med_imize C++
60 CF2004_A_Closest_Point Python
61 CF2004_B_Game_with_Doors Python
62 CF2004_C_Splitting_Items Python
63 CF2004_D_Colored_Portals Python
64 CF2004_E_Not_a_Nim_Problem C++
65 CF2007_C_Dora_and_C C++
66 CF2014_A_Robin_Helps Python
67 CF2022_B_Kar_Salesman C++
68 CF2023_A_Concatenation_of_Arrays C++
69 CF2023_B_Skipping C++
70 CF2023_C_C_K_S C++
71 CF2026_A_Perpendicular_Segments Python
72 CF2026_B_Black_Cells Python
73 CF2026_C_Action_Figures C++
74 CF2026_D_Sums_of_Segments C++
75 CF2027_A_Rectangle_Arrangement Python
76 CF2027_B_Stalin_Sort Python
77 CF2027_C_Add_Zeros C++
78 CF2027_D1_The_Endspeaker_Easy_Version C++
79 CF2027_D2_The_Endspeaker_Hard_Version C++
80 CF2028_A_Alice_s_Adventures_in_Chess Python
81 CF2028_B_Alice_s_Adventures_in_Permuting Python
82 CF2028_C_Alice_s_Adventures_in_Cutting_Cake C++
83 CF2028_D_Alice_s_Adventures_in_Cards C++
84 CF2028_E_Alice_s_Adventures_in_the_Rabbit_Hole C++
85 CF2029_A_Set Python
86 CF2029_B_Replacement Python
87 CF2029_C_New_Rating C++
88 CF2029_D_Cool_Graph C++
89 CF2029_E_Common_Generator C++
90 CF2031_A_Penchick_and_Modern_Monument Python
91 CF2031_B_Penchick_and_Satay_Sticks Python
92 CF2031_C_Penchick_and_BBQ_Buns Python
93 CF2031_D_Penchick_and_Desert_Rabbit C++
94 CF2031_E_Penchick_and_Chloe_s_Trees C++
95 CF2036_E_Reverse_the_Rivers Python
96 CF2036_F_XORificator_3000 Python
97 CF2043_C_Sums_on_Segments C++
98 CF2043_D_Problem_about_GCD C++
99 CF2051_G_Snakes C++
100 CF2055_C_The_Trail C++
101 CF2055_D_Scarecrow C++
102 CF2056_A_Shape_Perimeter Python
103 CF2056_B_Find_the_Permutation Python
104 CF2056_C_Palindromic_Subsequences Python
105 CF2056_D_Unique_Median C++
106 CF2059_A_Milya_and_Two_Arrays Python
107 CF2059_B_Cost_of_the_Array Python
108 CF2060_A_Fibonacciness Python
109 CF2060_B_Farmer_John_s_Card_Game Python
110 CF2060_C_Game_of_Mathletes Python
111 CF2060_D_Subtract_Min_Sort Python
112 CF2060_E_Graph_Composition C++
113 CF2060_F_Multiplicative_Arrays C++
114 CF2062_A_String Python
115 CF2062_B_Clockwork Python
116 CF2062_C_Cirno_and_Operations Python
117 CF2062_D_Balanced_Tree C++
118 CF2062_E1_The_Game_Easy_Version C++
119 CF2063_B_Subsequence_Update C++
120 CF2063_C_Remove_Exactly_Two C++
121 CF2063_D_Game_With_Triangles C++
122 CF2064_B_Variety_is_Discouraged C++
123 CF2065_A_Skibidus_and_Amog_u Python
124 CF2065_B_Skibidus_and_Ohio Python
125 CF2065_C_2_Skibidus_and_Fanum_Tax_hard_version C++
126 CF2065_D_Skibidus_and_Sigma C++
127 CF2065_E_Skibidus_and_Rizz Python
128 CF2066_A_Object_Identification Python
129 CF2066_B_White_Magic C++
130 CF2066_C_Bitwise_Slides C++
131 CF2067_A_Adjacent_Digit_Sums Python
132 CF2067_B_Two_Large_Bags C++
133 CF2067_C_Devyatkino C++
134 CF2069_A_Was_there_an_Array Python
135 CF2069_B_Set_of_Stranger C++
136 CF2070_A_FizzBuzz_Remixed Python
137 CF2070_B_Robot_Program C++
138 CF2070_C_Limited_Repainting C++
139 CF2071_A_The_Play_Never_Ends Python
140 CF2071_B_Perfecto Python
141 CF2071_C_Trapmigiano_Reggiano C++
142 CF2071_D_1_Infinite_Sequence_Easy_Version C++
143 CF2072_A_New_World_New_Me_New_Array Python
144 CF2072_B_Having_Been_a_Treasurer_in_the_Past_I_Help_Goblins_Deceive Python
145 CF2072_C_Creating_Keys_for_StORages_Has_Become_My_Main_Skill C++
146 CF2074_A_Draw_a_Square Python
147 CF2074_B_The_Third_Side Python
148 CF2074_C_XOR_and_Triangle C++
149 CF2074_D_Counting_Points C++
150 CF2075_A_To_Zero Python
151 CF2075_B_Array_Recoloring Python
152 CF2075_C_Two_Colors C++
153 CF2075_D_Equalization C++
154 CF2077_A_Breach_of_Faith Python
155 CF2077_B_Finding_OR_Sum Python
156 CF2078_A_Final_Verdict Python
157 CF2078_B_Vicious_Labyrinth Python
158 CF2078_D_Scammy_Game_Ad C++
159 CF2082_A_Binary_Matrix C++
160 CF2082_B_Floor_or_Ceil C++
161 CF2082_C_Math_Division C++


No releases published