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🔑 ⚒️ Token Forge brings Laravel Jetstream token management over to Laravel Breeze


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Token Forge - API Token Management for Laravel Breeze

blaspsoft/token-forge is a Laravel package that adds robust, customizable API token management to your application, inspired by Laravel Jetstream. Token Forge allows you to create, manage, and monitor API tokens with ease, providing secure access control for your API.

Note: This package supports both the Blade and Inertia Vue Laravel Breeze stacks.


  • Generate and manage API tokens for users
  • Define token permissions for precise access control
  • Monitor token activity and revoke tokens when necessary
  • Seamlessly integrates with Laravel’s authentication and session management
  • Uses a contract (TokenForgeController interface) for flexibility and stack-specific implementation


This package requires the following dependencies:

  • Laravel Breeze: Must use the Blade or Inertia Vue stack for front-end support.
  • Laravel Sanctum: Provides token-based authentication for API tokens.

Install Laravel Breeze with the relevant stack:

# For Blade stack:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install blade

# For Vue-Inertia stack:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install vue

Install Laravel Sanctum:

composer require laravel/sanctum
php artisan install:api
php artisan migrate

Then install the front-end dependencies:

npm install
npm run dev


Install the package via Composer:

composer require blaspsoft/token-forge

After installing the package, publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=token-forge-config --force

This command will publish a configuration file at config/token-forge.php, where you can customize Token Forge settings.

Setup Instructions

1. Install the Stack

Depending on your Laravel Breeze stack, run the appropriate command to install Token Forge:

  • For Blade stack:

    php artisan token-forge:install blade
  • For Vue-Inertia stack:

    php artisan token-forge:install vue

This command will:

  • Copy the appropriate controller (BladeTokenController or VueTokenController) to your app/Http/Controllers directory.
  • Automatically bind the TokenForgeController interface to the correct implementation.

2. Sanctum Setup

Ensure that Laravel Sanctum is properly configured. Make sure the HasApiTokens trait is added to your User model:

use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasApiTokens, Notifiable;

Additionally, ensure that Sanctum's setup command is run to install its configuration and migrations:

php artisan install:api
php artisan migrate

3. Middleware Configuration (Inertia Vue Only)

To ensure that Token Forge integrates smoothly with your Inertia responses, modify your HandleInertiaRequest.php middleware file as follows:

Add the following block to the share method in app/Http/Middleware/HandleInertiaRequest.php:

public function share(Request $request): array
    return [
        'auth' => [
            'user' => $request->user(),
        'flash' => [
            'tokenForge' => [
                'token' => fn () => session()->get('token'),

This setup enables Token Forge to flash token information to your Inertia responses, allowing you to use the token in your Vue components.

4. API Token Management Routes

The routes provided by Token Forge implement the TokenForgeController interface, allowing flexibility for different stacks. The interface is automatically resolved to the correct implementation (Blade or Vue) based on the installation.

Here are the available routes:

Method URI Interface Method Description
GET /api-tokens index Display the API tokens list
POST /api-tokens store Create a new API token
PUT /api-tokens/{token} update Update an existing API token
DELETE /api-tokens/{token} destroy Delete an API token

These routes provide a complete interface to generate, view, and revoke API tokens through a consistent REST API.


The package configuration is located in config/token-forge.php. Here are the default values:

Default Permissions

'default_permissions' => [

These are the default permissions assigned to new API tokens if no specific permissions are provided during creation.

Available Permissions

'available_permissions' => [

These are the permissions available to assign to API tokens. You can modify these values to fit your application’s needs.

If you wish to change the default or available permissions, publish the configuration file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=token-forge-config --force

Then, update the config/token-forge.php file to reflect your desired permissions.

Final Step: Build Assets

After completing the setup, ensure your front-end assets are compiled. You can use one of the following commands:

  • For development:

    npm run dev
  • For production:

    npm run build

This will ensure the necessary assets are available for the API token management UI.


token-forge token-forge token-forge token-forge token-forge


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


🔑 ⚒️ Token Forge brings Laravel Jetstream token management over to Laravel Breeze








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