Rapid prototyping using StorybookJS, US Web Design System (USWDS), and Drupal Twig. No prior knowledge necessary.
There are some compatibility issues with StorybookJS Vite on Windows. Please use Windows Subsystem for Linux. We're looking into ways to fix this #27.
- Node: LTS 20+, recommend NVM to manage different node versions.
- Component library: StorybookJS w/ Vite
- Templates: Drupal Twig
- Styles: SASS & USWDS
npm install
Opens a window on http://localhost:4040/.
npm start
When using in Drupal theme, you'll need to copy over USWDS fonts/images. This setup works specifically for StorybookJS.
Copying markup from USWDS components can result in broken images. To fix this, simply remove the assets
in the path.
You can reference static assets in USWDS node package. This is set in .storybook/main.js:8
. Example below.
<!-- identifier.html.twig -->
<!-- Updating image paths from copied USWDS markup. -->
- src="/https://github.com/assets/img/circle-gray-20.svg"
+ src="/https://github.com/img/circle-gray-20.svg"
Pull requests are welcome.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.