storing it in a database using SQLAlchemy, within the context of a FastAPI application. It incorporates the following key functionalities:
- Extracts content from a specified URL using the requests library.
- Cleans the extracted content by removing scripts and styles (if desired).
- Creates a database engine and defines a SQLAlchemy model to represent the scraped data.
- Creates a database table based on the model.
- Uses a database session to add and commit scraped content to the database.
Exposes a POST endpoint (/process_url) that accepts a URL as input.
Processes the URL, scrapes the content, and stores it in the database.
Returns a response with a unique chat ID and a success message.
- Implements basic error handling for HTTP requests and database operations.
- Supports uploading documents through URLs or PDFs.
- Extracts text content from uploaded documents.
- Processes user chat requests with a specific chat ID.
- Finds the most relevant section within the uploaded document based on the user's question using cosine similarity (Note: currently uses a dummy embedding function, needs replacement).
This project implements a simple chatbot that retrieves relevant information from uploaded documents.
- Supports uploading documents through URLs or PDFs.
- Extracts text content from uploaded documents.
- Processes user questions and identifies the most relevant section based on cosine similarity.
- FastAPI: Web framework for building APIs
- Pydantic: Data validation and serialization
- requests: Making HTTP requests
- BeautifulSoup: Parsing HTML documents
- pdfminer: Extracting text from PDFs
$ uvicorn main:app --host --port 8000
$ Bash
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/upload_url/ -F chat_id=user1 -F url=
Set chat_id in the form data. Send a multipart request with the PDF file as file.
$ Bash
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/chat/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"chat_id": "user1", "question": "What is the capital of France?"}'
This will return a JSON response containing the most relevant section from the uploaded document for user1 based on the question.