This is a repository about learning python. You will know about popular resources for learning, practising, executing python codes.
For learning Python, The amount of resources available is endless. Starting with Youtube channels, The best one I found yet is Code with Harry and specifically This Python playlist. Another great Youtube channel that I would recommend is FreeCodeCamp. This basic Playlist contains all the basic Python Programming tutorials. Now talking about Other Resources, There are a lot of Free and Paid courses on Udemy which also provides certifications. You can find a dozen of courses on my udemy account about Python. If we talk about Mobile apps then the best ones I like are M1M0 & Programming Hero. You can Download them by clicking the Names above. Try both of them for 15-20 minutes and then continue with what suits you the best.
To execute code many services are available, both Offline and Online. If you are using an Android or an IOS device, Then The Python Interpreter, I'd recommend the most is Pydroid3 . It has great features and benefits. You get an IDE, A compiler and Text editor with seperate PIP window to install packages & modules with just a tap.
Now talking about laptop or PC users, I don't really recommend any online service as they are slow and not available if Internet goes down. VSCode is great but If you are just a beginner, You wouldn't want to spend a whole day figuring out extensions and stuff. I really recommend PyCharm .
To run PyCharm, You need PyCharm as well as Python. This is because PyCharm is just a code editor. You'll still need python installed for providing an environment for python.
If You are using Windows 7, I recommend Python version 3.3. Anything above Windows 7 will let you use The latest 3.12.x version. While installing the Python Setup, remember to tick the box saying add to Path. This would add python to environment variables and you could easily install pip packages and run python in terminal if you're into that kind of stuff. While using Pycharm, Don't get so organised in a sense that don't create a new project for every file. Every seperate project creates a new virtual environment which takes up alot of space if managing many projects and you can't access the global modules that you installed in python. You would need to install the modules again in the new project. That's why I recommend making one project and creating different folders, subfolders, and files. This will help you to save storage and be organized at same time.
For practising python, There are more services available than you'll ever imagine.
For Example :
These are some popular ones.
On these websites you can practise from begginer level to expert in different programming languages, Python being one.
Remember that Everything that You need to download can be Easily Downloaded by clicking the names of the Programs. You can also visit YT channels simply by clicking the names