👋 Hi, I’m Abu Bakkar Siddikk
Python | Java | Angular | Test Automation | Software Quality Assurance-SQA | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Big Data | Data Analyst
I'm Enthusiastic. Effective. Passionate and Fast Learner. As a Software developer and a Software Quality Assurance Engineer with a proven record of helping Customers in the IT sector, providing positive learning experiences, and building and maintaining effective behavior management systems. I have excellent verbal and written communication skills, an effective leader and team player. I have good patience in any environment & situation. I have done my work with responsibility and my passion.
- 🔭 I’m interested in Python, JavaScript, Test Engineering, Software Quality Assurance-SQA, React, Angular, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Analyst, Python Script, and Django Web Framework.
- ⚡ I have worked
as a Software Engineer at Automation Services Limited
- 🌱 I had the opportunity to Work with Data Science Team as a Quality Assurance Engineer for Capital One Bank
- 📫 I’m working as a Junior Researcher in nFuture Research Lab
- 🥩 I love Cooking and watching Science Fiction movies.
- 🎷 I Love to play : Cricket🏏, Badminton🏸 and Football⚽.