This repository hosts a list of Quranic roots and their derivatives in JSON format: quranRoots.json. The list is based on the roots compilation from the App and can be found at quran-root.txt, This list is compatible with Tanzil Project Quran text. Please note that this list has not been verified for accuracy.
An usage example can be found at:
- ( Browse through all the compilation roots and retrieve the verses employed by a root )
- ( Browse through the quran with the ability to inspect any word to get its root and the derivations of that root )
We have identified a few flaws in the original list:
- Some words are attributed to more than one root, as seen in the case of root 831 (سمو) and root 1844 (وسم), which share some derivatives in common.
- Some roots are incomplete, such as root 384 (حزب). This root lacks the occurrences of the word (احزاب), which is treated as a distinct "root" for some reason.
- Some roots are missing, as in the case of the root (حقف). We can see that root 23 (احقاف) is present, which is a derivative of (حقف).
Apart from being in JSON format and incorporating some improvements detailed in the changelog the list remains identical to the original. Our future goal is to address and resolve all the issues present in the original compilation. For now, these issues have been partially addressed.
TODO: Outline both common and new methodologies for retrieving a root.