A personal blogging and portfolio theme for Gatsby with great typography and dark mode.
See https://gatsby-theme-phoenix-demo.netlify.com/
- MDX - Posts, Pages and Projects
- Tags/Categories
- Dark mode
- Customizable with Tailwind CSS
- Code highlighting with Prism
- RSS feed and SEO
- Accessible
gatsby new phoenix-site https://github.com/arshad/gatsby-starter-phoenix
then copy .env.example
to .env
and run gatsby develop
Place your pages inside content/pages
as follows:
├── content
│ └── pages
│ └── about
│ ├── image.jpg
│ └── index.mdx
├── node_modules
├── gatsby-config.js
└── package.json
title: Hello, I'm Nulla Texier
excerpt: Temporibus tenetur eveniet ipsa. Enim eum consequatur magnam. Nulla quaerat est nam consequatur magnam.
Place your blog posts inside content/posts
as follows:
├── content
│ └── posts
│ └── 2019-11-19-slug-for-post
│ ├── image.jpg
│ └── index.mdx
├── node_modules
├── gatsby-config.js
└── package.json
title: Mollitia quaerat perspiciatis eaque vel officiis
date: 2018-09-01
excerpt: Nobis et distinctio ipsam officia rem similique. Ipsa facilis doloremque quos culpa similique quidem autem. Expedita doloribus.
image: ./image.jpg
caption: Illustration by <a href="/https://illlustrations.co">illlustrations.co</a>
tags: ["nobis", "animi"]
Et aliquip labore id minim adipisicing excepteur labore in ex deserunt duis quis cillum in. Sint enim proident incididunt cillum esse sit sunt laboris dolore. Eu qui proident eu ut eiusmod sunt aliquip ut dolor. Ipsum consequat culpa officia dolor.
Place your projects inside content/projects
as follows:
├── content
│ └── projects
│ └── name-of-project
│ ├── image.jpg
│ └── index.mdx
├── node_modules
├── gatsby-config.js
└── package.json
title: Aspernatur voluptates
excerpt: Quos totam nihil saepe ipsam incidunt. Quo ipsam soluta sapiente. Voluptate voluptates odio tenetur at officiis ratione.
url: https://example.com
image: image.jpg
The following components are available within MDX files:
The following theme options and configuration is available:
// gatsby-config.js
title: `Phoenix.`,
description: `A free personal blogging theme for Gatsby with great typography and dark mode.`,
siteUrl: process.env.SITE_URL,
startUrl: "/",
postsPerPage: 5,
icon: `assets/images/icon.png`,
copyright: `© YYYY Phoenix. All rights reserved.`,
colors: {
primary: "#3C64F1",
fonts: {
text: ["Open Sans", "Arial", "sans-serif"],
heading: ["Alegreya Sans", "sans-serif"],
branding: ["Bowlby One SC", "cursive"],
menuLinks: [
name: "Home",
link: "/",
name: "Projects",
link: "/projects",
name: "About",
link: "/about",
name: "Contact",
link: "/contact",
socialLinks: [
name: "Twitter",
url: "https://twitter.com/arshadcn",
icon: "twitter",
name: "Github",
url: "https://github.com/arshad",
icon: "github",
Gatsby uses shadowing for theme customization. You can read more about it here.
- Illustrations from illlustrations.co
- Icons from Feather