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Last active March 10, 2025 08:31
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  • Save thealphadollar/7c0ee76664cbd28aecc1bd235f0202fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thealphadollar/7c0ee76664cbd28aecc1bd235f0202fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JS script to send connection requests to your LinkedIn search results with customisation options, accept all received connection requests, and withdraw pending sent connection requests.
// If the script does not work, you may need to allow same site scripting
Linkedin = {
config: {
scrollDelay: 3000,
actionDelay: 5000,
nextPageDelay: 5000,
// set to -1 for no limit
maxRequests: -1,
totalRequestsSent: 0,
// set to false to skip adding note in invites
addNote: true,
note: "Hey {{name}}, I'm looking forward to connecting with you!",
init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");
"DEBUG: scrolling to bottom in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);
scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
console.debug("DEBUG: scrolling to top in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms");
setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
scrollTop: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
"DEBUG: inspecting elements in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
inspect: function (data, config) {
var totalRows = this.totalRows();
console.debug("DEBUG: total search results found on page are " + totalRows);
if (totalRows >= 0) {
this.compile(data, config);
} else {
console.warn("WARN: end of search results!");
compile: function (data, config) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("button");
data.pageButtons = [...elements].filter(function (element) {
return element.textContent.trim() === "Connect";
if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
console.warn("ERROR: no connect buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
setTimeout(() => {
}, config.nextPageDelay);
} else {
data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect buttons found");
data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
var names = document.getElementsByClassName("entity-result__title-text");
names = [...names].filter(function (element) {
return element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent.includes(
data.connectNames = [...names].map(function (element) {
return element.innerText.split(" ")[0];
"DEBUG: starting to send invites in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => {
this.sendInvites(data, config);
}, config.actionDelay);
sendInvites: function (data, config) {
console.debug("remaining requests " + config.maxRequests);
if (config.maxRequests == 0) {"INFO: max requests reached for the script run!");
} else {
"DEBUG: sending invite to " +
(data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
" out of " +
var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];;
if (config.addNote && config.note) {
"DEBUG: clicking Add a note in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickAddNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: clicking done in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickAddNote: function (data, config) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var addNoteButton =, function (el) {
return el.textContent.trim() === "Add a note";
// adding note if required
if (addNoteButton && addNoteButton[0]) {
console.debug("DEBUG: clicking add a note button to paste note");
console.debug("DEBUG: pasting note in " + config.actionDelay);
setTimeout(() => this.pasteNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: add note button not found, clicking send on the popup in " +
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
pasteNote: function (data, config) {
noteTextBox = document.getElementById("custom-message");
noteTextBox.value = config.note.replace(
new Event("input", {
bubbles: true,
"DEBUG: clicking send in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickDone: function (data, config) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var doneButton =, function (el) {
return el.textContent.trim() === "Send";
// Click the first send button
if (doneButton && doneButton[0]) {
console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send button to close popup");
} else {
"DEBUG: send button not found, clicking close on the popup in " +
setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickClose: function (data, config) {
var closeButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
"artdeco-modal__dismiss artdeco-button artdeco-button--circle artdeco-button--muted artdeco-button--2 artdeco-button--tertiary ember-view"
if (closeButton && closeButton[0]) {
"INFO: invite sent to " +
(data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
" out of " +
if (data.pageButtonIndex === data.pageButtonTotal - 1) {
"DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.sendInvites(data, config), config.actionDelay);
nextPage: function (config) {
var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
if (
!pagerButton ||
pagerButton.length === 0 ||
) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
return this.complete(config);
}"INFO: Going to next page...");
setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);
complete: function (config) {
"INFO: script completed after sending " +
config.totalRequestsSent +
" connection requests"
totalRows: function () {
var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result");
if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
return search_results.length;
} else {
return 0;
Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);
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Aliss20 commented Dec 12, 2022

I had thr same problem ,but found out that the solution to make the script working is by checking those points 💯
-First of all check your Linkedin Language and set it to english
-Let page maximize without minimizing it , or you can drag the chrome tab to the bottom
If that works for you , like the comment


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eyadevv commented Feb 24, 2023

Good Job ,This is really good.

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Crewxx commented May 20, 2023

Hi @thealphadollar hope you are having a great day. Please any fix to the script yet to work with the new linkedin process that I informed you about?

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Hey @Crewxx , I'm unable to find time to work on the script. Any PRs or changes are welcome, and I'll be happy to include.

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I tried doing this with MS Power Automate, I believe it used to work a few years ago. Linkedin rely heavily of subscription, so they change the connect format and vary URLs to stop software doing this automatically easily. If you search Linkedin too much without membership it limits your results. Here’s what I am doing. I actually think it is a good idea to capture URLs based on string searches from a google search, once list results can be copied and pasted into an excel table, so you may track your invites and subsequent messages. I have a couple of scripts written to 1. request invites, 2. Thank you for connecting and send some information, 3 follow up for feedback, 4. Send some more info, 5. Request a meeting. In the Chrome store there is an app call Save Search Results(, it is simple to use and will conveniently save your URL search results ready for copying and pasting into excel into column A, I then add each person’s name to column B, first and second. Then a search google with "UK. Linkedin" My+Key+Words followed by -jobs, by add -jobs your results will not show job adverts posted by Linkedin. Next with this list I used mail merge to create a letter to each first name recipient this opens many pages of the same 1st message. A certain amount of data manipulation is required but this allows me to list the employer and check each prospect in turn quickly whilst pasting the text from my word letter into Linkedin. By having the URL's listed in excel it is easy to see which ones I have invited as they turn into hyperlinks after one click.

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Crewxx commented Jul 26, 2023

I tried doing this with MS Power Automate, I believe it used to work a few years ago. Linkedin rely heavily of subscription, so they change the connect format and vary URLs to stop software doing this automatically easily. If you search Linkedin too much without membership it limits your results. Here’s what I am doing. I actually think it is a good idea to capture URLs based on string searches from a google search, once list results can be copied and pasted into an excel table, so you may track your invites and subsequent messages. I have a couple of scripts written to 1. request invites, 2. Thank you for connecting and send some information, 3 follow up for feedback, 4. Send some more info, 5. Request a meeting. In the Chrome store there is an app call Save Search Results(, it is simple to use and will conveniently save your URL search results ready for copying and pasting into excel into column A, I then add each person’s name to column B, first and second. Then a search google with "UK. Linkedin" My+Key+Words followed by -jobs, by add -jobs your results will not show job adverts posted by Linkedin. Next with this list I used mail merge to create a letter to each first name recipient this opens many pages of the same 1st message. A certain amount of data manipulation is required but this allows me to list the employer and check each prospect in turn quickly whilst pasting the text from my word letter into Linkedin. By having the URL's listed in excel it is easy to see which ones I have invited as they turn into hyperlinks after one click.

Please do you mind sharing your script. Would be helpful. Thanks.

@thealphadollar I hope you are okay and your current endeavor is going great, all the best.

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@thealphadollar I hope you are okay and your current endeavor is going great, all the best.

Hey thanks for asking, I'm good.

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Do you have any experience with react, I want to add this to a google extension, having problems with type script..

yes I have

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Thank you @Vladyslav2003 for reporting the issue. I've fixed the issue in the latest version and pushed it. Please try now 🙇

A heartfelt gratitude to everyone else for using the script and sharing their findings here 🙏 I'll try to maintain the script and support it more religiously.

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Reposting the Guide for visibility. From here on, I will put updates in new comments, if any.

What is this?

So, have you ever wanted to connect to people on LinkedIn who are recruiters at X company or study at Y university or work at Z and more. What we usually do is search for "recruiter X", then choose People and start sending connect request to them. This is a manual task, and the conversion rate is very low; so after sending 100 requests to people, 10 accept your request in the best case. What can you do to increase your chances and acceptance? Obviously, you won't sit and send it to 1000 people, right? That's where the script comes in.

The script, once run (instructions below), works in the background on the page and keeps on sending connection requests to the results on the page as long as either it meets maximum requests specified by you or there are no more results. This allows you to just search, run the script, keep the tab open and forget about it. The script has an adequate amount of delay placed between actions so you are not banned, and your connections to the particular company have higher chances of increasing 😄

How to use the above script?

  • Open Linkedin, search for terms such as "Amazon recruiter", choose People, choose 2nd and 3rd+ connection level.
  • Open the developer console of your browser following the instructions here for your browser.
  • Copy the entire above script and paste it into the console and hit enter.
  • Do not close or refresh the browser tab unless you want the script to stop abruptly.

You'll see that connection requests are being sent now after delays set in the config of the above file. If you want to limit the number of connections to be sent, please update maxRequests above to the desired number of requests.

When does the script stop?

  • When there is no next button.
  • When there are no search results on the current page.
  • When the number of max requests (if specified) is reached.

What to configure?

If it is taking too long or you are on a very fast internet connection, you can lower the delays between each action since elements will be loading faster for you. Below is an explanation of what each of the configuration item does:

  • scrollDelay: specifies the wait in milliseconds after scrolling page to bottom and top to load results fully into the page.
  • actionDelay: specifies the delay in milliseconds between each action such as pressing the connect button, then the done button, and so on.
  • nextPageDelay: specifies the wait in milliseconds for the next page to load after pressing the next page button.
  • maxRequests: set to a positive number to limit the number of connection requests to be sent to that number; a negative number leads to infinite connection requests (not really).
  • totalRequestsSent: stores the number of total requests sent (displayed when the script stops gracefully) and is not to be changed, and should remain 0.
  • addNote: set to true if you wish to add a note in your invites, otherwise `false.
  • note: the text of the note to be sent; if it is an empty string, no note is added. You can also add the first name of the person by using the placeholder "{{name}}" (without quotes, with curly brackets).


Special thanks to @phpenterprise for the initial work at the script.

Reposting other small scripts for LinkedIn.

A small code to accept all connection requests at once to be used on the all connections page.

var x = document.getElementsByClassName('invitation-card__action-btn artdeco-button artdeco-button--2 artdeco-button--secondary ember-view'); for (var i=0 ; i<x.length; i++) x[i].click();


A small code snippet to withdraw all unaccepted connection requests (to be run in console on page -

var Allbuttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
var withdrawButtons =, function (el) {
    return el.textContent.trim() === 'Withdraw';

var withdrawRecursively = (index) => {
    if (index === withdrawButtons.length) {
        alert("All connections withdrawn on the page!");
    } else {
        setTimeout(() => clickNewWithdraw(index), 1000);

var clickNewWithdraw = (index) => {
    var AllButtons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
    var newWithdrawButtons =, function (el) {
        return el.textContent.trim() === 'Withdraw' && !withdrawButtons.includes(el);
    setTimeout(() => withdrawRecursively(index+1), 1000);

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@thealphadollar great script. But some people have "Message" button instead of "Connect". How to modify your script to work with that. I presume that the only way is the script has to open these N profiles in N new tabs separately. and then when I'm done with the "Connect" ones, I can run a different script catering to these N profile main pages and close that tab. I see that this has to be run a total of N+1 times.

Please tell me if you have a workaround thought of it.

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Thank you for asking @forkbabu In my experience, I've observed that opening N tabs simultaneously is never a good idea.

I'd suggest modifying the script such that for every potential connection, it opens their profile page, sends a connection request, sends the message, and goes back to the search results page.

This will be a significant modification - let me know if you need more information.

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ucalyptus2 commented Dec 4, 2023 via email

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I am in the process of allowing the script to find the urls of profiles which have "Message" or "Follow" but when it opens a new page the script reset (connecting logic to send a message from the profile page is still missing. Any idea on how to solve this?

`Linkedin = {
config: {
scrollDelay: 3000,
actionDelay: 5000,
nextPageDelay: 5000,
maxRequests: -1,
totalRequestsSent: 0,
addNote: true,
note: "Hey {{name}}, I'm looking forward to connecting with you!",

init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");
    setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);

scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
    window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: 'smooth' });
    setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);

scrollTop: function (data, config){
    window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });
    setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);

inspect: function (data, config) {
    var totalRows = this.totalRows();
    if (totalRows >= 0) {
        this.compile(data, config);
    } else {

compile: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
    var contents = document.querySelectorAll(".entity-result__content");
      // Logic for buttons
    data.pageButtons = [...buttons].filter(function (element) {
         var buttonText = element.textContent.trim();
        return buttonText === "Connect" || buttonText === "Follow" || buttonText === "Message";

// Logic for contents
    data.pageContents = [...contents].filter(function (element) {
    // Add logic to filter contents based on your criteria
    // For example, here I'm assuming checking if it contains "Follow" or "Message"
        var contentText = element.textContent.trim();
        return contentText.includes("Follow") || contentText.includes("Message");
    if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
        console.warn("ERROR: no connect, follow, or message buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, config.nextPageDelay);
    } else {
        data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect, follow, or message buttons found");
        data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
        var names = document.getElementsByClassName("entity-result__title-text");
        var namesArray = [...names].filter(function (element) {
            var parentText = element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent;
            return parentText.includes("Connect\n") || parentText.includes("Follow\n") || parentText.includes("Message\n");
        data.connectNames = [...namesArray].map(function (element) {
            return element.innerText.split(" ")[0];
        var results = document.querySelectorAll('.entity-result__title-text');
        data.profileInfo = [];
        results.forEach(function (element) {
            var parent = element.closest('.entity-result__content');
            if (parent) {
                var profileLinkElement = parent.querySelector('.app-aware-link');
                if (profileLinkElement) {
                    var profileInfo = {
                        name: element.innerText.split(" ")[0],
                        profileURL: profileLinkElement.href
          // New logic to fetch URLs from elements with class '.entity-result__content'
        const contentElements = document.querySelectorAll('.entity-result__content');
        contentElements.forEach(element => {
        const profileLinkElement = element.querySelector('.app-aware-link');
        if (profileLinkElement) {
            const profileLink = profileLinkElement.href;
        setTimeout(() => {
            this.performAction(data, config);
        }, config.actionDelay);

performAction: function (data, config) {
    if (config.maxRequests === 0) {
    } else {
        var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];
        var buttonText = button.textContent.trim();

        if (buttonText === "Connect") {
            // ... (existing logic remains unchanged)
        } else if (buttonText === "Follow" || buttonText === "Message") {
            var entityContentElements = document.querySelectorAll('.entity-result__content');

            entityContentElements.forEach(element => {
                const profileLinkElement = element.querySelector('.app-aware-link');
                if (profileLinkElement) {
                    const profileLink = profileLinkElement.href;
                    // You can add additional actions here if needed

                    // Open the profile link in the same tab and navigate back
          , '_self');
                    setTimeout(() => {
                    }, config.actionDelay * 2); // Adjust the delay as needed

            // Update the index for the next button action
            if (data.pageButtonIndex === (data.pageButtonTotal - 1)) {
                console.debug("DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " + config.actionDelay + " ms");
                setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
            } else {
                console.debug("DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms");
                setTimeout(() => this.performAction(data, config), config.actionDelay);

        // Additional logic and actions can be added here
        // ...

        // Update the index for the next button action if needed
        // ...

        // Call nextPage function when required
        // ...

clickAddNote: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
    var addNoteButton =, function (el) {
        return el.textContent.trim() === 'Add a note';

    if (addNoteButton && addNoteButton[0]) {
        setTimeout(() => this.pasteNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
    } else {
        setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);

pasteNote: function (data, config) {
    noteTextBox = document.getElementById("custom-message");
    noteTextBox.value = config.note.replace("{{name}}", data.connectNames[data.pageButtonIndex]);
    noteTextBox.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {
        bubbles: true
    console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send in popup, if present, in " + config.actionDelay + " ms");
    setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);

clickDone: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
    var doneButton =, function (el) {
        return el.textContent.trim() === 'Send';

    if (doneButton && doneButton[0]) {
        console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send button to close popup");
    } else {
        console.debug("DEBUG: send button not found, clicking close on the popup in " + config.actionDelay);
    setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);

clickClose: function (data, config) {
    var closeButton = document.getElementsByClassName('artdeco-modal__dismiss artdeco-button artdeco-button--circle artdeco-button--muted artdeco-button--2 artdeco-button--tertiary ember-view');
    if (closeButton && closeButton[0]) {
    }'INFO: invite sent to ' + (data.pageButtonIndex + 1) + ' out of ' + data.pageButtonTotal);

    if (data.pageButtonIndex === (data.pageButtonTotal - 1)) {
        console.debug("DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " + config.actionDelay + " ms");
        setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
    } else {
        console.debug("DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms");
        setTimeout(() => this.performAction(data, config), config.actionDelay);

nextPage: function (config) {
    var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName('artdeco-pagination__button--next');
    if (!pagerButton || pagerButton.length === 0 || pagerButton[0].hasAttribute('disabled')) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
        return this.complete(config);
    }"INFO: Going to next page...");
    setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);

complete: function (config) {'INFO: script completed after sending ' + config.totalRequestsSent + ' connection requests');

totalRows: function () {
    var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName('search-result');
    if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
        return search_results.length;
    } else {
        return 0;


Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);

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I think we can break the script into two independent logical flows -> main script that handles sending connection requests (current) + conditional script that runs in a new tab for users with "Message" or "Follow".

For the second script, I propose writing it with minimal context passing from the last page. As is shared in the StackOverflow answer, this new conditional script will be executed in the newly opened tab and send a message (context passed from config of the main script) or Follow.

If it's not feasible for you, I'll try to write the conditional script over the weekend 🙇🏻

@valerioviale @forkbabu

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Go ahead @thealphadollar and @valerioviale . the community counts on yall 🙇🏻

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I got to a point where I can open the new profile page but here I have a logic problem. The JS can launch a script that will start in the new page that include also the instruction to go back but it will not have the instruction to start back the process again for each profile.
Should we try with Python/Selenium? I know it's a pain for several reason, since you have to log in and you are identified as a robot by lnkdn but it looks quite complex to switch from page to page with a same page script.

Another problem, when I am already inside the profile page I have to click the button More (or ...) in the profile page. I attempted with the class="artdeco-dropdown" and filtering and max request 1. But I get at least 2 different artdeco-dropdown__trigger, maybe filtering out the navbar tag? Any suggestion on that?

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hargun0360 commented Apr 30, 2024

Implemented logic to invite current employees, excluding past employees.

// If the script does not work, you may need to allow same site scripting
Linkedin = {
config: {
scrollDelay: 3000,
actionDelay: 5000,
nextPageDelay: 5000,
// set to -1 for no limit
maxRequests: -1,
totalRequestsSent: 0,
// set to false to skip adding note in invites
addNote: true,
note: "Hey {{name}}, I'm looking forward to connecting with you!",
init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");
"DEBUG: scrolling to bottom in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);
scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
console.debug("DEBUG: scrolling to top in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms");
setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
scrollTop: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
"DEBUG: inspecting elements in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
inspect: function (data, config) {
var totalRows = this.totalRows();
console.debug("DEBUG: total search results found on page are " + totalRows);
if (totalRows >= 0) {
this.compile(data, config);
} else {
console.warn("WARN: end of search results!");
compile: function (data, config) {
 var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".entity-result__actions button");
var isCurrent = [];
var paragraphs = document.getElementsByClassName(
Array.from(paragraphs).forEach((element) => {
if (element.textContent.includes("Current:")) {
} else {
data.pageButtons = [...elements].filter((element, index) => {
 if (element.textContent.trim() === "Connect" && isCurrent[index]) {
        return element.textContent.trim() === "Connect";
if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
console.warn("ERROR: no connect buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
setTimeout(() => {
}, config.nextPageDelay);
} else {
data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect buttons found");
data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
var names = document.getElementsByClassName("entity-result__title-text");
names = [...names].filter(function (element, index) {
if (isCurrent[index]) {
return element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent.includes(
data.connectNames = [...names].map(function (element) {
return element.innerText.split(" ")[0];
"DEBUG: starting to send invites in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => {
this.sendInvites(data, config);
}, config.actionDelay);
sendInvites: function (data, config) {
console.debug("remaining requests " + config.maxRequests);
if (config.maxRequests == 0) {"INFO: max requests reached for the script run!");
} else {
"DEBUG: sending invite to " +
(data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
" out of " +
var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];;
if (config.addNote && config.note) {
"DEBUG: clicking Add a note in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickAddNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: clicking done in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickAddNote: function (data, config) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var addNoteButton =, function (el) {
return el.textContent.trim() === "Add a note";
// adding note if required
if (addNoteButton && addNoteButton[0]) {
console.debug("DEBUG: clicking add a note button to paste note");
console.debug("DEBUG: pasting note in " + config.actionDelay);
setTimeout(() => this.pasteNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: add note button not found, clicking send on the popup in " +
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
pasteNote: function (data, config) {
noteTextBox = document.getElementById("custom-message");
noteTextBox.value = config.note.replace(
new Event("input", {
bubbles: true,
"DEBUG: clicking send in popup, if present, in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickDone: function (data, config) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var doneButton =, function (el) {
return el.textContent.trim() === "Send";
// Click the first send button
if (doneButton && doneButton[0]) {
console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send button to close popup");
} else {
"DEBUG: send button not found, clicking close on the popup in " +
setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickClose: function (data, config) {
var closeButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
"artdeco-modal__dismiss artdeco-button artdeco-button--circle artdeco-button--muted artdeco-button--2 artdeco-button--tertiary ember-view"
if (closeButton && closeButton[0]) {
"INFO: invite sent to " +
(data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
" out of " +
if (data.pageButtonIndex === data.pageButtonTotal - 1) {
"DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.sendInvites(data, config), config.actionDelay);
nextPage: function (config) {
var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
if (
!pagerButton ||
pagerButton.length === 0 ||
) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
return this.complete(config);
}"INFO: Going to next page...");
setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);
complete: function (config) {
"INFO: script completed after sending " +
config.totalRequestsSent +
" connection requests"
totalRows: function () {
var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result");
if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
return search_results.length;
} else {
return 0;

Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);

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ucalyptus2 commented Apr 30, 2024

@hargun0360 were you able to only filter out people with "Connect" buttons? People with "Message" buttons or some other kind of button won't be able to take personalized invites..

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@ucalyptus2 Yup, works with "Connect" buttons only. That way we can send those personalized invites! I also filtered for current company employees only.

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ViniciusNyp commented Jun 25, 2024

My script wasn't working when not set to send a note, so I fixed it to catch the "Send without a note" button too, here's it:

It was modified upon @hargun0360 version already:

// If the script does not work, you may need to allow same site scripting
Linkedin = {
  config: {
    scrollDelay: 3000,
    actionDelay: 5000,
    nextPageDelay: 5000,
    // set to -1 for no limit
    maxRequests: -1,
    totalRequestsSent: 0,
    // set to false to skip adding note in invites
    addNote: true,
    note: "Hey {{name}}, I'm looking forward to connecting with you!",
  init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");
      "DEBUG: scrolling to bottom in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
    setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
    window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
    console.debug("DEBUG: scrolling to top in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms");
    setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
  scrollTop: function (data, config) {
    window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
      "DEBUG: inspecting elements in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
    setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
  inspect: function (data, config) {
    var totalRows = this.totalRows();
    console.debug("DEBUG: total search results found on page are " + totalRows);
    if (totalRows >= 0) {
      this.compile(data, config);
    } else {
      console.warn("WARN: end of search results!");
  compile: function (data, config) {
    var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".entity-result__actions button");
    var isCurrent = [];
    var paragraphs = document.getElementsByClassName(
    Array.from(paragraphs).forEach((element) => {
      if (element.textContent.includes("Current:")) {
      } else {
    data.pageButtons = [...elements].filter((element, index) => {
      if (element.textContent.trim() === "Connect" && isCurrent[index]) {
        return element.textContent.trim() === "Connect";
    if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
      console.warn("ERROR: no connect buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, config.nextPageDelay);
    } else {
      data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect buttons found");
      data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
      var names = document.getElementsByClassName("entity-result__title-text");
      names = [...names].filter(function (element, index) {
        if (isCurrent[index]) {
          return element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent.includes(
      data.connectNames = [...names].map(function (element) {
        return element.innerText.split(" ")[0];
        "DEBUG: starting to send invites in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.sendInvites(data, config);
      }, config.actionDelay);
  sendInvites: function (data, config) {
    console.debug("remaining requests " + config.maxRequests);
    if (config.maxRequests == 0) {"INFO: max requests reached for the script run!");
    } else {
        "DEBUG: sending invite to " +
        (data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
        " out of " +
      var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];;
      if (config.addNote && config.note) {
          "DEBUG: clicking Add a note in popup, if present, in " +
          config.actionDelay +
          " ms"
        setTimeout(() => this.clickAddNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
      } else {
          "DEBUG: clicking done in popup, if present, in " +
          config.actionDelay +
          " ms"
        setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  clickAddNote: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
    var addNoteButton =, function (el) {
      return el.textContent.trim() === "Add a note";
    // adding note if required
    if (addNoteButton && addNoteButton[0]) {
      console.debug("DEBUG: clicking add a note button to paste note");
      console.debug("DEBUG: pasting note in " + config.actionDelay);
      setTimeout(() => this.pasteNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
    } else {
        "DEBUG: add note button not found, clicking send on the popup in " +
      setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  pasteNote: function (data, config) {
    noteTextBox = document.getElementById("custom-message");
    noteTextBox.value = config.note.replace(
      new Event("input", {
        bubbles: true,
      "DEBUG: clicking send in popup, if present, in " +
      config.actionDelay +
      " ms"
    setTimeout(() => this.clickDone(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  clickDone: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
    var doneButton =, function (el) {
       return el.textContent.trim() === "Send" || el.textContent.trim() === "Send without a note";
    // Click the first send button
    if (doneButton && doneButton[0]) {
      console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send button to close popup");
    } else {
        "DEBUG: send button not found, clicking close on the popup in " +
    setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  clickClose: function (data, config) {
    var closeButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
      "artdeco-modal__dismiss artdeco-button artdeco-button--circle artdeco-button--muted artdeco-button--2 artdeco-button--tertiary ember-view"
    if (closeButton && closeButton[0]) {
      "INFO: invite sent to " +
      (data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
      " out of " +
    if (data.pageButtonIndex === data.pageButtonTotal - 1) {
        "DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " +
        config.actionDelay +
        " ms"
      setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
    } else {
        "DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
      setTimeout(() => this.sendInvites(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  nextPage: function (config) {
    var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
    if (
      !pagerButton ||
      pagerButton.length === 0 ||
    ) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
      return this.complete(config);
    }"INFO: Going to next page...");
    setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);
  complete: function (config) {
      "INFO: script completed after sending " +
      config.totalRequestsSent +
      " connection requests"
  totalRows: function () {
    var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result");
    if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
      return search_results.length;
    } else {
      return 0;

Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);

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NamanOli commented Aug 17, 2024

Updated Code for Sending Invites without Adding Notes
`Linkedin = {
config: {
scrollDelay: 3000,
actionDelay: 5000,
nextPageDelay: 5000,
// set to -1 for no limit
maxRequests: -1,
totalRequestsSent: 0,
// set to false to skip adding note in invites
addNote: false,
note: "Hey {{name}}, I'm looking forward to connecting with you!",
init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");
"DEBUG: scrolling to bottom in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);
scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });
console.debug("DEBUG: scrolling to top in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms");
setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
scrollTop: function (data, config) {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });
"DEBUG: inspecting elements in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
inspect: function (data, config) {
var totalRows = this.totalRows();
console.debug("DEBUG: total search results found on page are " + totalRows);
if (totalRows >= 0) {
this.compile(data, config);
} else {
console.warn("WARN: end of search results!");
compile: function (data, config) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("button");
data.pageButtons = [...elements].filter(function (element) {
return element.textContent.trim() === "Connect";
if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
console.warn("ERROR: no connect buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
setTimeout(() => {
}, config.nextPageDelay);
} else {
data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect buttons found");
data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
var names = document.getElementsByClassName("entity-result__title-text");
names = [...names].filter(function (element) {
return element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.textContent.includes(
data.connectNames = [...names].map(function (element) {
return element.innerText.split(" ")[0];
"DEBUG: starting to send invites in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => {
this.sendInvites(data, config);
}, config.actionDelay);
sendInvites: function (data, config) {
console.debug("remaining requests " + config.maxRequests);
if (config.maxRequests == 0) {"INFO: max requests reached for the script run!");
} else {
"DEBUG: sending invite to " +
(data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
" out of " +
var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];;
setTimeout(() => this.clickAddNote(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickAddNote: function (data, config) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");
var addNoteButton =, function (el) {
return el.textContent.trim() === "Send without a note";
// adding note if required
setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);
clickClose: function (data, config) {
if (data.pageButtonIndex === data.pageButtonTotal - 1) {
"DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " +
config.actionDelay +
" ms"
setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
} else {
"DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
setTimeout(() => this.sendInvites(data, config), config.actionDelay);
nextPage: function (config) {
var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName(
if (
!pagerButton ||
pagerButton.length === 0 ||
) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
return this.complete(config);
}"INFO: Going to next page...");
setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);
complete: function (config) {
"INFO: script completed after sending " +
config.totalRequestsSent +
" connection requests"
totalRows: function () {
var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result");
if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
return search_results.length;
} else {
return 0;

Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);`

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For some reason, when not adding in the notes, the connection request never goes through

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Hey if your not bothered about sending requests with notes then you can just use this altered version of the script I made. Also updated the class names / ids for the current version of the site so that it functions correctly. You might want to increase the delays if your internet speed / hardware is on the lower end (for me it works fine).

Linkedin = {
  config: {
    scrollDelay: 1000,
    actionDelay: 250,
    nextPageDelay: 250,
    maxRequests: -1,
    totalRequestsSent: 0,
  init: function (data, config) {"INFO: script initialized on the page...");

      "DEBUG: scrolling to bottom in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"
    setTimeout(() => this.scrollBottom(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  scrollBottom: function (data, config) {
    window.scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight, behavior: "smooth" });

    console.debug("DEBUG: scrolling to top in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms");

    setTimeout(() => this.scrollTop(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
  scrollTop: function (data, config) {
    window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" });

      "DEBUG: inspecting elements in " + config.scrollDelay + " ms"

    setTimeout(() => this.inspect(data, config), config.scrollDelay);
  inspect: function (data, config) {
    var totalRows = this.totalRows();

    console.debug("DEBUG: total search results found on page are " + totalRows);

    if (totalRows >= 0) {
      this.compile(data, config);
    } else {
      console.warn("WARN: end of search results!");
  compile: function (data, config) {
    var elements = document.querySelectorAll("button");

    data.pageButtons = [...elements].filter(function (element) {
      return element.textContent.trim() === "Connect";

    if (!data.pageButtons || data.pageButtons.length === 0) {
      console.warn("ERROR: no connect buttons found on page!");"INFO: moving to next page...");
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, config.nextPageDelay);
    } else {
      data.pageButtonTotal = data.pageButtons.length;"INFO: " + data.pageButtonTotal + " connect buttons found");
      data.pageButtonIndex = 0;
        "DEBUG: starting to send invites in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
      setTimeout(() => {
        this.sendInvites(data, config);
      }, config.actionDelay);
  sendInvites: function (data, config) {
    console.debug("remaining requests " + config.maxRequests);

    if (config.maxRequests == 0) {"INFO: max requests reached for the script run!");
    } else {
        "DEBUG: sending invite to " +
        (data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
        " out of " +
      var button = data.pageButtons[data.pageButtonIndex];;
        "DEBUG: clicking send in popup, if present, in " +
        config.actionDelay +
        " ms"
      setTimeout(() => this.clickSend(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  clickSend: function (data, config) {
    var buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");

    var sendButton =, function (el) {
      return el.textContent.trim() === "Send without a note";

    // Click the first send button
    if (sendButton && sendButton[0]) {
      console.debug("DEBUG: clicking send button to close popup");
    } else {
        "DEBUG: send button not found, clicking close on the popup in " +

    setTimeout(() => this.clickClose(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  clickClose: function (data, config) {
    var closeButton = document.getElementById("ember1683");

    if (closeButton) {;
      "INFO: invite sent to " +
      (data.pageButtonIndex + 1) +
      " out of " +


    if (data.pageButtonIndex === data.pageButtonTotal - 1) {
        "DEBUG: all connections for the page done, going to next page in " +
        config.actionDelay +
        " ms"
      setTimeout(() => this.nextPage(config), config.actionDelay);
    } else {
        "DEBUG: sending next invite in " + config.actionDelay + " ms"
      setTimeout(() => this.sendInvites(data, config), config.actionDelay);
  nextPage: function (config) {
    var pagerButton = document.getElementsByClassName(

    if (
      !pagerButton ||
      pagerButton.length === 0 ||
    ) {"INFO: no next page button found!");
      return this.complete(config);
    }"INFO: Going to next page...");
    setTimeout(() => this.init({}, config), config.nextPageDelay);
  complete: function (config) {
      "INFO: script completed after sending " +
      config.totalRequestsSent +
      " connection requests"
  totalRows: function () {
    var search_results = document.getElementsByClassName("search-result");
    if (search_results && search_results.length != 0) {
      return search_results.length;
    } else {
      return 0;

Linkedin.init({}, Linkedin.config);

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praneeth-26 commented Jan 10, 2025

I think we can break the script into two independent logical flows -> main script that handles sending connection requests (current) + conditional script that runs in a new tab for users with "Message" or "Follow".

For the second script, I propose writing it with minimal context passing from the last page. As is shared in the StackOverflow answer, this new conditional script will be executed in the newly opened tab and send a message (context passed from config of the main script) or Follow.

If it's not feasible for you, I'll try to write the conditional script over the weekend 🙇🏻

@valerioviale @forkbabu

Any update on the script for handling the "Message" or "Follow" for connection? @thealphadollar

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"Message" and "Follow" only shows up if you have already sent a request to that person or if you are already connected with them (im pretty sure).

So right now the script should work fine as it just ignores these buttons.

BTW here is the link for my repo w/ the script. Can't remember if I updated any more since I made the previous comment.

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I think it's not true.
I can still able to connect manually by going inside their profile. Where we have a "more" button.
And the link you share getting a 404 error. @leomosley

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Oops the repo was private. Should be fixed now.

Yes you are right, don't have a fix right now for the follow or message.

The thing is they could be someone you have already connected or not but you can't tell unless you to their profile and click on the more tab like you said.

You can only send around 100-200 invitation requests a week so its probably quicker to just let it skip the follow/message and you'll reach the limit pretty quickly anyway. 🤷‍♂️

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