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Last active October 19, 2021 01:05
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Add new disk to installed Linux server


Installing parted for creating partition and align it and connecting HDD

sudo apt-get install parted
sudo fdisk -l

if fdisk -l not show new disk - rebooting system

Starting parted sudo parted select select device print show devices if need use print one more time for extended info rm 1 remove first partition mkpart hd ext4 1024KiB Actial_Size_MB/GB align

After it create partition and align use quit

2.Format it

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

3.Step - add to fstab to use in next boot

  1. Create partition to mount /var/www/hdd
  2. find UUID sudo blkid
  3. Append UUID to fstab 1. sudo blkid | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab 2. comment all uuids already existing from bottom 3. write proper format /etc/fstab
    • UUID***-- /var/www/hdd ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
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