A downloadable game for Windows

One day, our yet unnamed hero (in a ridiculous costume), decides that he will change the lumber industry. And so he took on the challenge, setting up a camp on the east of an island, and inventing many ingenious machinery. His brilliance does not know bounds as he builds revolutionary contraptions, such as a "Lumber Farm". However, it is up to the user, to decide the use for these machines.

Default Controls (they can be changed now)

  • WASD to move
  • Left click to Chop/Place
  • Right Click for free viewmode
  • Shift to walk... faster
  • E to Interact
  • Tab/Esc to leave menus
  • Space to cancel construction
  • Mouse wheel to spin construction

Note: Game is pretty large. Sorry about that. I've done my best to optimize and reduce the size.  Game size is getting optimized so that it's......... actually reasonable.


Lumbergame_B9.zip 627 MB

Install instructions

Download -> Unzip -> Lumbergame.exe; if windows asks for permission, you can reconsider playing this game by clicking "Don't run". Otherwise click "More Information" -> "Run anyway"

Development log


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11/10, the graphics changed my life, this game single handedly fixed problems around the world, this game is the reason for the end of world hunger, hands down.


10/10 It is the best lumber game on the market.