A 3D Version of the Skill-O-Game but with a chicken and SOULS mechanics.

Some side notes before anything else

I Strongly recommend trying out the downloadable version rather than the Web version.

The WEB version works but not so well due to the possible massive number of balls and collisions. The game also captures the mouse to move the camera so it's kind of annoying to play on the browser. It is OKAY to test it on the browser but to try and play it for real it's not great (or barely good, even, I'd say) but you do you, play it entirely on the browser if you want (pls don't, it's terrible, please download the game).

It is still under REALLY EARLY development so everything look kinda rough.

The game, the lore and almost everything else was made tosco (Kind of bad/rough but in a funny way mixed with clumsiness and low effort-like [I don't know a english word that describes it as good as tosco does]) on purpose, that makes it easier to develop since I am not an entire studio nor have the time to make everything pretty.

I am also no artist so I don't have any authorial sprites or images in the game yet, I got everything from the internet and I kinda like the silliness.

What is this game about? Does it have a lore?

You are a chicken and you have no name.
All your life you have been a pariah in the chicken world society club incorporated. Lonely, sad and hungry (and sometimes also a tiny little bit horny'ish) you went on a journey, pursuing a goal in life, a goal, that if achieved, would make every chicken, rooster, chick and blue pig respect you (the pink pigs, who had nothing against you, unfortunately suddenly disappeared when the world most needed them).
After seeking for a long time, but not more than a week, you finally found it, a reason to live, a reason to make EVERYONE respect you:

Cutting down random cardboard boxes in a bland white environment with some big red balls bouncing around aimlessly.

Yes, you ABSOLUTELY DESPISE cardboard boxes.

Now your mind is set on eliminating every single cardboard box you see on a white bland space while dodging your mortal enemies: the big red balls (yes, yes they despise you as much as you despise cardboard boxes).
To fullfill such deep, meaningful and impactful goal you use your only loyal Leek companion, jorge (that's his name, not Jorge nor george much less George), as a sword to attack the boxes and get rid of them.
(And you also played too much souls games while practicing ballet so now you can dodge the red balls by spinning/rolling.)

Some things/tips to keep in mind to make the gameplay easier:

  • The chicken hitbox is almost as thin as the sprite so you can use that to your advantage.
  • Remember you can run and dodge but keep an eye on your stamina
  • ...but be careful not to run too much, if your stamina gets low enough you'll have to wait until it gets full again to run or dodge once again
  • Rolling/Spinning/Dodging takes 80% of your total stamina so you gotta have it almost full to be able to roll but the stamina spent from dodging also replenishes faster.

Balancing mode chekbox

The "Balacing mode" checkbox let's you chose whatever values your heart desires to try the game. You want to play with 1 box and no balls to dodge? you can do it(but it will be rather boring). Maybe you want to try hell mode with 1000 balls and 2 boxes and no stamina recuperation? go for it (as long as your computer can render that disaster, lol)

About Languages

For the non-Portuguese speakers:
I've made the game mainly in portuguese (my native language) but there are some parts in english as well.
With that said I will implement a language menu soon(TM) so you can understand the """jokes""" on the game over screen and the prompts on the screen but for the time being:

  • The shortcuts/commands are:
    • F11 to full screen, 
    • ESC during the gameplay to go back to the title screen, 
    • ESC on the game over screen (the all black with some "stars" 3D-spaceship-like-game-that-is-not-a-game (yet)) to try the level again.
    • (And I think all others things are in english already)
  • On the balancing mode the inputs are (from the top to the bottom):
    • The levels "height"/"length" (y) size
    • The levels width (x) size
    • Number of boxes
    • Number of balls
    • Stamina recuperation rate (points/tick) (you have 100 total stamina)
    • Stamina cost to run (points/tick)
    • Walking Speed
    • Running speed

And YES the game is a messy amalgamation of portuguese and english and I am sorry for that.

Instructions/How to Play

WASD walks

Mouse moves the camera

LMB attacks using the leek


SPACEBAR rolls/spins(dodges)


Skill-O-Game 3d SOULS ver. Balancing 06.08.exe 78 MB
Skill-O-Galinha SOULS 3D LINUX 06.08.x86_64 71 MB
Galinhada song.mp3 563 kB

Development log

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