
ChatGPT API Integration
This is a copy/paste from a previous user who opened the idea up for feedback. A year has passed since last brought up and I'm certain we can now agree on how useful this functionality would be. - Wiki.js is a powerful and flexible wiki software that allows organizations to create and maintain collaborative documentation and knowledge bases. However, users may sometimes have specific questions that are not covered in the existing documentation, and it can be difficult to find the information they need. To address this issue, we propose adding a chatbox plugin with a GPT-based response system that can provide personalized and relevant answers to user questions. The chatbox would be a simple interface that allows users to ask questions in natural language. The GPT-based response system would then analyze the question using OpenAI's embedding technology and find the most relevant section of the wiki page. It would then provide a short, concise answer to the user's question, based on the content of that section. If the answer is not satisfactory or the user needs more information, the chatbox can provide a link to the relevant wiki page or allow the user to ask another question. Implementation: To implement this feature, we will need to develop a plugin that integrates with OpenAI's GPT models and the existing Wiki.js codebase. The plugin will need to provide a user interface for the chatbox and integrate with the existing search functionality to find the most relevant sections of the wiki page. We will also need to implement the logic for analyzing the user's question using OpenAI's embedding technology and generating an appropriate response. Testing: To ensure the quality and effectiveness of this feature, we will need to conduct extensive testing and validation. We will need to test the chatbox plugin in various scenarios and use cases to ensure that it provides accurate and relevant responses. We will also need to test the integration with OpenAI's GPT models to ensure that it can handle a wide range of user questions and provide appropriate responses. Conclusion: Adding a chatbox plugin with a GPT-based response system can greatly enhance the usability and accessibility of Wiki.js for users. It can provide personalized and relevant answers to user questions and help users find the information they need quickly and easily. We believe that this feature will be a valuable addition to Wiki.js and will help organizations create and maintain high-quality documentation and knowledge bases.